JAKARTA (March 30th 2020) - In order to encourage an inclusive handling of COVID-19, the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation held a Meeting to Overcome the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Persons with Disabilities together with communities that care about disabilities.

From the meeting which lasted for 2 hours, several points were conveyed by several forum leaders, namely that technical guidance was needed in isolation places for persons with disabilities affected by COVID-19. There are also difficulties in implementing social distancing for institutions / LKS with full capacity

In an effort to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, it is still difficult to do for some people with disabilities due to limited mobility, for example people with visual sensory disabilities who can only make contact through touch of an object, and depend on a companion in social interaction.

From an economic perspective, there are people with disabilities who are directly affected, namely those who earn a daily income such as massage therapists and traders.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat said that he would make various efforts related to the points that have been conveyed. "A quick assessment of the Balai that handles disabilities, we will ‘waqf’ it as a place of quarantine like an overloaded institution / LKS according to the disability specialty handled by the center so far. As well as being able to share experiences, we contribute according to our capacity," said Harry.

Meanwhile, for persons with disabilities who are directly affected economically, efforts will be made in the form of social assistance programs both from the State Budget (APBN) and from partners of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

At the meeting which was attended by 58 participants, it was also conveyed the sharing of steps that have been taken by 3 Heads of Social Rehabilitation Centers, namely the Sukabumi "Phala Martha" Center, Bandung "Wyata Guna" Center, and Palembang "Budi Perkasa" Center.