KENDARI (April 2, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Meohai Disability Center in Kendari conducted an initial assessment of the Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (ATENSI) for Hearing Disabilities in several provinces on the island of Sulawesi.


To harmonize the ATENSI program at the Meohai Kendari Disability Center, initial assessment activities have been carried out since February 2021. This activity has been carried out in several provinces, namely Southeast Sulawesi Province, Central Sulawesi Province, North Sulawesi Province, South Sulawesi Province, and in several regencies/cities. The overall target of the Meohai Kendari Disability Center this year is 1,804 Service Recipients, both family, community, and residential-based.


ATENSI activities in South Sulawesi Province are carried out in Makassar City and Gowa Regency with a target of 108 Service Recipients in Makassar City, 119 Service Recipients for Gowa Regency, so that the total for South Sulawesi Province is 227 Service Recipients.


The initial step was taken by the Assessment Team in carrying out this activity was to coordinate with the Social Service of Makassar City and Gowa Regency, accompanied directly by the Head of Persons with Disabilities Hasnah Ahmad, Disability Companion of Makassar City Social Service, and the Section Head of Social Welfare for Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Gowa Regency Social Service. The Assessment Team went directly to the target location of prospective ATENSI Program Service Recipients in South Sulawesi Province.


In the implementation of this initial assessment, the Head of the Disability Center, Meohai Kendari, Budi Sucahyono emphasized that the entire Initial Assessment Team must work seriously and thoroughly in carrying out their duties. "Do not get the wrong target and cause chaos in data collection/initial assessment, because this is a benchmark for the implementation of a comprehensive assessment that will be carried out later," said Budi.


Ali Fauddin as the Head of Sub Section of Social Rehabilitation also emphasized that each candidate receiving ATENSI program service must have a National Identification Number.