BEKASI (December 11, 2022) - Ministry of Social Affairs through Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Ophthalmologists (PARDAMI) Bekasi City, Regional General Hospital (RSUD) dr. Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Bekasi City carried out free cataract surgery in the series of International Day of Disabilities (HDI) and National Social Solidarity Day (HKSN),


The implementation of cataract surgery is centered at RSUD dr. Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Bekasi City, West Java Province by presenting 54 residents of Bekasi City. The enthusiasm of the participants seemed to crowd the waiting room in building A of the Bekasi City Hospital. While waiting in the queue, screening was carried out before entering the operating room.


The Director of Elderly Social Rehabilitation, Supomo accompanied by the Head of the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center, I Ketut Supena in his remarks at the opening ceremony said "An extraordinary joint opportunity for us from the Ministry of Social Affairs to be able to access RUSD throughout Indonesia, especially in Bekasi, we from the ranks of the Ministry of Social Affairs were ordered by the Minister of Social Affairs, Mrs. Tri Rismaharini, to oversee this activity because most of them are the elderly.


"Because when we reported to the Minister that there were residents who were having difficulties, his staff was ordered to come and he did not hesitate to come himself to help with difficulties that were spread all over the country," he added.


In his remarks, Supomo also expressed his hope that "I hope that what we are doing will be of benefit to you ladies and gentlemen, we are trying our best and totally so that we can help the people's difficulties."


"In the activities of the International Day of Disabilities and National Social Solidarity Day, we hold activities Indonesia sees, Indonesia hears and Indonesia takes steps. We hope that all residents can be properly assisted," said Supomo.


Meanwhile, the closing remarks were delivered by Acting Bekasi Mayor Tri Adhianto Tjahyono, he expressed his gratitude to all parties starting from the Ministry of Social Affairs and his staff who had carried out this activity, PERDAMI Bekasi City, and welcome all patients who were present at dr. Chasbullah Abdulmadjid, this hospital was built of course for the best service for ladies and gentlemen, don't hesitate, the hospital is not only a place for treatment but more appropriate as a place of maintenance to keep us in good health.


Also present at the opening ceremony were the Acting Mayor of Bekasi, the Director of Bekasi City Hospital, the Head of PERDAMI Bekasi City, Bekasi City Social Office, and Bekasi City Health Office.