BEKASI (26 February 2021) - Mensana in Corporesano, "In a healthy body, there is a strong soul" which means that we have to maintain a healthy body, if the body is healthy then we can start everything well, do all work easily and produce the best work.


The spirit of the proverb is what inspires ASN's enthusiasm to carry out morning exercises together at 3 Hall belonging to the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the Bekasi area and located at the ATENSI Creation Center yard which was inaugurated by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin on Thursday, (18/2/2021.


With great enthusiasm, the employees of the "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi Elderly Center followed the gymnastics and rhythm instructor's movements guided by the gymnastics instructor. Not infrequently, ASNs also shouted and jumped on certain movements and rhythms.


Gymnastics which is carried out at the ATENSI Creative Center is also an effort to promote the Culinary Center located at the Pangudi Luhur Work Hall, Jalan HM Djoyomartono No. 19, RT 002 / RW 021 Margahyu, East Bekasi, after exercising, you can rest and enjoy hot tea and culinary available at the ATENSI Creative Center.


Candidate for Civil Servants (CPNS), Gufron for the first time participating in gymnastics which was held at the ATENSI Creation Center conveyed that he was happy and enthusiastic about being able to participate in gymnastics together.


"Thank God, if Friday there is exercise, it will make all the employees here become healthy, the place is also good for sports, for exercising. There are also many stands to buy food and drinks after gymnastics, for example, thirsty and haven't had breakfast, you can buy them at the available culinary stands," said Gufron.


Healthy Friday with morning exercise activities attended by employees of the "Budhi Dharma" Bekasi Elderly Center, the "Tan Miyat" Disability Center and "Pangudi Luhur" Work Hall are expected to increase immunity, a healthy body and enthusiasm for implementing Social Rehabilitation Assistance services to beneficiaries despite the COVID-19 epidemic has not over yet.