DELI SERDANG (February 25th 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Drug Abuse "Insyaf" in Medan, North Sumatra carried out a case response to drug abuse victims in Laut Dendang Village, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency from 22nd-25th February 2020.


This activity was carried out due to reports and requests from the Head of Laut Dendang Village so that residents who have been exposed to drugs receive Social Rehabilitation services from BRSKPN "Insyaf" Medan.


"Based on Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and Government Regulation Number 25 of 2011 concerning Recipients of Mandatory Reports, it is emphasized that victims of drug abuse must receive both medical and social rehabilitation because they are victims who must be protected," said Sulaiman, Head of BRSKPN "Insyaf" Medan when giving material to participants.


"In 2020, our Balai is only able to carry out social rehabilitation of 200 people per year, of course it is not comparable to the high number of drug abuse in North Sumatra which reaches 250 thousand based on data from the North Sumatra National Narcotics Agency, for that we have to provide social rehabilitation services outside hall," said Sulaiman.


Social Rehabilitation activities outside the center are carried out in several stages including the initial approach, assessment, giving psychosocial and livelihood therapy as well as provision of Assistance (Assistance with Aim). "The series of activities that we carry out are intended so that victims of drug abuse can be aware of and do not use drugs anymore and have a social responsibility to the environment and society," added Sulaiman.


On this occasion, the Head of Laut Dendang Village, said his gratitude to BRSKPN "Insyaf" Medan for providing services to my residents who have been exposed to drugs, I hope this activity can continue and be sustainable because it has a positive impact on the people of Laut Dendang Village.


The social rehabilitation activities outside the hall which were carried out in the village hall of Laut Dendang received support from Community Leaders, Village Officials, Village Supervisory Non-commissioned Officers and Community Police Officer Percut Sei Tuan Police.