JAKARTA (January 12, 2021) - "Mulya Jaya" Training Center in Jakarta, which provides services for former prostitutes, women victims of violence, women victims of trafficking in persons, and migrant victims of violence continues to innovate in improving the quality of social rehabilitation services.

The "Mulya Jaya" Training Center previously trained the abilities and potential of the Beneficiaries (PM) through livelihood therapies such as sewing, handicrafts, food processing, salons and bridal make-up. Along with market needs and developments, "Mulya Jaya" Training Center began to prepare other livelihood therapies by holding hydroponic cultivation. Hydroponics is a method of cultivating plants by utilizing water without using soil media by emphasizing on meeting the nutritional needs of plants and utilizing limited land.

Today (12/1) "Mulya Jaya" Training Center held a special training for employees on hydroponic cultivation. The East Jakarta Swara Peduli Foundation, which was the resource person at this training, conveyed the right ways to start hydroponic cultivation as well as invited employees to practice directly using the media that had been prepared.

"With water as the medium, water is a conductor of nutrients that become vitamins in vegetables or plants," explained Endang, one of the speakers.

The Head of "Mulya Jaya" Training Center, Ai Herliyah, participated in this activity hoping that with this new type of skill, PM would be able to further develop his potential and skills so that when he returned to the community he was ready to be independent.

"We deliberately prepared these hydroponic cultivation skills for PMs in order to improve their skills during the social rehabilitation period. Hopefully with this activity, PMs will be able to live independently with their potential," explained Ai.

In addition to hydroponic cultivation, "Mulya Jaya" Training Center has also prepared land for growing vegetables, fruits, and medicinal plants.