MAKASSAR (January 13, 2021) — The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Center for Elderly Social Rehabilitation (BRSLU) “Gau Mabaji” Gowa, which is one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation (Ditjen Rehsos) carried out a response to cases of the elderly named Basia in Makassar City.
The case response was carried out based on complaints that the elderly did not receive assistance. The case response team went directly and carried out an initial assessment of the elderly problem.
Wahidin, Head of the Gowa "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center said that this activity is a form of implementation of the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (ATENSI LU) through a quick response in handling complaints about elderly problems.
"Gau Mabaji" Gowa Elderly Center is following up on complaints about the problems of the elderly who do not receive assistance based on directions from the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs through the Director General of Social Rehabilitation," said Didin, as he is usually called.
The handling of the elderly problems is also carried out in a holistic, systematic and standardized manner by involving various professions in handling complaints from the public.
“We are deploying a case response team consisting of Social Workers and Nurses. In addition, the team also coordinates with the local government, social rehabilitation assistants and the District Social Welfare Worker (TKSK) in conducting initial assessments for the elderly," he added.
Based on the initial assessment, it was found that the elderly Basia (87 years old) lives with her youngest child, who is deaf and speech impaired. The condition of the elderly is not able to move or bedridden.
So far, the elderly have been included in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) and received social assistance for the Family Hope Program (PKH) from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. However, since two months ago the PKH card was damaged and could not be used to collect assistance.
On this occasion, "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center in Gowa carried out its function as a direct service provider, namely in the form of support for fulfilling the right to a decent life by providing basic needs assistance in the form of milk for the elderly, flour, tea, snacks, and instant noodles.
In addition, the Center also acts as a case management coordinator by communicating elderly problems to relevant stakeholders. The team coordinated with the bank for the creation of a new PKH card and coordinated with the Social Office and social rehabilitation assistants for further services for the elderly.
The implementation of this integrated service is expected to help the elderly fulfill their right to life and obtain optimal social welfare services.
Humas Balai Lansia Gau Mabaji Makasar
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