JAKARTA (April 16th 2020) - In order to implement the Cash Management System (CMS) through the BNI Combo Card, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat invited BNI to explain the processes and stages of the administrative system (data entry and input), the approver (the official appointed by the Ministry of Social Affairs) who will get a token to be able to continue the next transaction and releaser, via video conference with 111 participants consisting of Secretaries, Directors, Heads of Balai, representative officers from the secretariat and directorates within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation to join in this socialization.

Harry said that the Cash Management System (CMS) through the BNI Combo Card must be implemented immediately, both for all UPT employees in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation and for Beneficiaries in all Balai, including the provision of cashless social assistance.

"For centers that still use other banks, they should immediately coordinate with the local BNI Bank to be able to use the CMS through the BNI Combo Card to make transactions easier for both recipients and financial managers of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation," said Harry.

Muin Fikri and the team from BNI provided an explanation of the process and stages of using a CMS. The process, which was initially carried out in cash, became a CMS and now from CMS to via smartphone or via mobile banking.

Furthermore, Muin Fikri said that this was the basis for innovation in line with the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 12 / POJK.03 / 2018 concerning the implementation of Digital Banking Services. So banking services implement transactions through a CMS, including the use of virtual accounts in purchasing goods and services (ATK and others), said Muin Fikri.

In addition to solutions for ease of transactions for financial managers and recipients at the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, CMS through Combo Cards is a strategic step for socializing the KemensosHADIR tagline printed on the card, concluded Muin Fikri.