MAGELANG (11 November 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for Children who need Special Protection (BRSAMPK) "Antasena" in Magelang held an implementation of Hero Values. Participants of this activity were students of the Sidomulyo 2 State Elementary School (SDN) which is located not far from BRSAMPK "Antasena" Magelang.

"The purpose of carrying out this activity is so that Indonesian youth today can continue to remember and appreciate the services and sacrifices of heroes, as stated by one of our nation's founders, Bung Karno, who stated that only a nation that appreciates the services of its heroes can become a great nation, "That was conveyed by Ruh Sanyoto, Head of BRSAMPK" Antasena "Magelang when welcoming the students who participated in the activity.

This visit is expected to increase awareness of others. In line with the Minister of Social Affairs' appeal to the Social Rehabilitation Center to invite students / young people to visit the Social Rehabilitation Center as one form of implementation of heroic values.

"We are very grateful to have been invited to take part in this very useful activity, especially in increasing knowledge and to instill more hero values in our students, so that it is hoped that they can apply these heroic values in their lives" said Ikhwan, the student companion teacher.

Activities filled with lectures about the values of heroes. Then the screening of a docudrama film about BRSAMPK "Antasena" Magelang and ended with dynamic group games guided by Darmanto, Hesti Ambar Widagdo and Wulansari.