MEDAN (October 17th, 2019) - The implementation of the Rehabilitation program 5 Cluster Cluster New Platform (Progress 5.0 NP) is the implementation of Intervention Therapies, which includes mental therapy. One of the mental therapies provided for Social Welfare Services Recipient (PPKS) of People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (ODHIV) at "Bahagia" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeviciency Virus (BRSODH) Medan is music therapy. This therapy is carried out every Wednesday at 14.00-16.00 local time in the music room "Bahagia" BRSODH Medan.  

Music therapy is one form of therapy that can overcome various social, emotional and behavioral problems such as cognitive, motor, and sensory problems in all individuals of all ages. This therapy is also often used by people who suffer from certain diseases, but the benefits of this therapy can be felt by everyone.

The functions of music therapy include healing, reducing stress and increasing relaxation. Through this music therapy is expected to increase morale, calming mind, reduce negative emotions and can make PPH ODHIV become more optimistic and positive in running their lives in the family and community.