MAGELANG (November 19, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Antasena" Children's Center Magelang provided a Nutrition Improvement Package to 23 drug-prone children in Magelang City on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at the Magelang City Social Office.
Packages were given symbolically to 2 children who received the assistance, while the other 21 aid packages would be distributed at the Village Office according to the residence of each child receiving assistance by Social Worker Serve Unit (Sakti Peksos) and Social Office Staffs of Magelang City.
The provision of the Nutrition Improvement Package for Children Prone to Drugs is a form of implementation of the family and community-based Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (ATENSI).
Based on the statement from Magelang City Sakti Peksos, Juan Rizal Djufri, that in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, children cannot study at school. This condition makes many of them become active smokers and often hang out with adults until late at night.
The Head of Assessment and Social Advocacy at the "Antasena" Children's Center in Magelang, Arif Nurhidayat, explained that previously an assessment had been carried out on 23 drug-prone children. Then they submit proposals for assistance according to their needs through Sakti Peksos.
"We hope that in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, children will not give up in learning. Parents need to supervise their children regarding relationships. Moreover, children live in urban environments that are prone to falling into negative relationships," said Arif Nurhidayat.
Acting Secretary of the Magelang City Social Office, Praditya Dedi Heryanto, thanked the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Antasena" Magelang Children's Center for their attention and concern in handling children's problems. The first and most important education is family. Parents are requested to guide and direct their children well.
"The future of children is still long. If there is a problem, it is a natural thing. Next, you must become a better person," he said.
The Nutrition Enhancement Package provided contains 10 kg of rice, powdered cereal milk, canned fish, canned snacks, vitamin C and instant noodles.
Implementing ATENSI, "Antasena" Children's Center in Magelang Provides Nutrition

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