TAKALAR (April 14, 2021) - The "Pangurangi" Center in Takalar carries out capacity-building activities for all employees, both those with the status of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and Non-Public Government Employees (PPNPN). This activity aims to increase the understanding and insight of all employees about HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and its treatment.
"Considering the diverse backgrounds of Center employees, it is mandatory to provide an understanding of HIV, especially from health disciplines through this employee capacity-building activity," said Pengalamen Surbakti, Head of the Pangurangi Center. The resource persons presented were consultants and trainers working in the field of handling people living with HIV (ODHIV).
Experiencers hope that by increasing employee understanding and insight into handling people with HIV, the quality of Social Rehabilitation Social Assistance (ATTENSI) services for people with HIV, especially on a residential, family, and community basis, will be even better.
In a separate place, the resource person for the activity, Andi Akbar Halim, revealed that the Pangurangi Center is an asset for handling PLHIV in the province of South Sulawesi. According to Akbar, health problems are not the only problem for PLHIV, social problems, and discrimination are also serious problems for PLHIV, especially as the current slumping economy is due to the unresolved Covid-19 pandemic.
Akbar emphasized that the employees of the Pangurangi Center should not pass judgment on PLHIV who will receive ATENSI services, thus affecting the pattern of relationships between service providers and service recipients. Furthermore, Akbar said that he was ready to contribute and help make the ATENSI program successful for PLHIV which was carried out by the "Pangurangi" Center.
Improve Quality of Service, "Pangurangi" Center Implements Capacity Building
Humas Loka Karya "Pangurangi" Takalar
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N