BEKASI (1 July 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through the Bekasi "Budhi Dharma" Center as a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation right this morning, Thursday (1/7/2021) playing the National Anthem of Indonesia Raya for all State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of The Center.


Following the direction from the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Tri Rismaharini, this activity was carried out to maintain and increase the sense of nationality and love for the homeland, service to the state and people of Indonesia, and adherence to the ideology of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.


This activity is held offline for 10 percent of employees who carry out Work From Office (WFO) in the Center. Meanwhile, 90 percent of employees who carry out Work From Home (WFH) is provided online platform via the Zoom Meeting.


Pujiyanto, Head of the Bekasi “Budhi Dharma” Center said that this activity must be followed by all employees, both employees who carry out WFH and WFO solemnly.


"All employees are required to take part in listening to the National Anthem of Indonesia Raya with standing and perfect attitude," said Pujiyanto.


In addition, Pujiyanto also reminded employees to remain productive and carry out work according to their duties and functions even though they are in WFH conditions.


"In this time of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has not yet ended, we are obliged to maintain our health so that we can remain productive and carry out work even though we travel long distances," said Pujiyanto


"Don't forget to also document and fill out the e-performance to find out the performance that has been done," he added


Going forward, in accordance with the Circular of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia number 1130/1/KP.02.01/6/2021 on the Call for Morning Calls for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, similar activities will be carried out every Tuesday and Thursday. every week, at 10 am. In addition, there are also official ceremony every Monday morning and the reading of the Pancasila Manuscript on Wednesdays and Fridays.