BANDUNG (March 4th 2020) - In order to implement Government Regulation Number 52 of 2019 concerning the implementation of social welfare for Persons with Disabilities, BRSPDSN "Wyata Guna" Bandung carried out the activities of the Advanced Social Rehabilitation Program Coordination Meeting, as an implementation of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) function Director General Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs the Republic Indonesia in strengthening institutions & capacities as well as implementing rehabilitation programs for persons with disabilities in its working area.

Taking place at the Best Western LaGrande Hotel, 2nd – 4th March 2020, the National Coordination Meeting was held as an effort to accelerate and to answer Wyata Guna's various challenges in alleviating stigmatization, providing accurate PDSN data, providing accessibility, connecting basic and central services. Wyata Guna presented 10 representatives from the Provincial Social Services Agency, 42 representatives from persons with disabilities, 17 representatives from LKS, 2 representatives from the Head Office of Ministry of Social Affairs and 19 Wyata Guna human resource representatives.

"We need accurate data, included in the SIMPPD application, and can be accounted for in the field", to distribute social assistance outside the hall with an allocation of 1.4 Billion this year, said Sudarsono, Head of BRSPDSN Wyata Guna Bandung.

Idit Supriadi Priatna, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation in his presentation, "There needs to be a standardization of UPT facilities and infrastructure in the Social Rehabilitation environment, not only from buildings and artifacts, but also all supporting facilities, but that does not mean that all UPTs are the same but adapted to their respective needs each UPT so as to maximize services for the social welfare service recipient."

"The greatness of a companion for persons with disabilities does not depend on their intellectual abilities, but on emotional abilities, because they are at the forefront of social rehabilitation services." said Edi Suharto, Director General of Social Rehabilitation. A special message from the Director General to assistants with disabilities, to have CARE's attitude, namely core vision, acceptance, responsiveness, empathy as support in the social rehabilitation ecosystem.