CIBINONG (January 11, 2021) - The "Ciungwanara" Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Intellectual Disabilities (BRSPDI) in Bogor will increase the number of beneficiaries in 2021 to 2,265 people. To improve services, the "Ciungwanara" Center will partner with the Social Welfare Institution (LKS).
"This year, we will receive 2,265 beneficiaries (PM). For this purpose, we cannot work alone, we must involve other parties. In this case, we are involving related units at the Ministry of Social Affairs, local government, and the community," said the Head of BRSPDI "Ciungwanara" Bogor Siti Sari Rumayanti in Cibinong (11/01).
The number of PM in 2021 increased sharply compared to 2020 which was 230 PM. Therefore, the "Ciungwanara" Center has been making preparations since November 2020 to prepare services for a such huge number of PM.
The preparation includes verification and validation from PM, as well as LKS data from the local government. Coordination with related parties continues to be improved, including with local governments in the 14 provinces in the service coverage area of the "Ciungwanara" Center. These areas include DKI Jakarta, West Java Province, Banten Province, provinces throughout Sumatra Island, and South Kalimantan.
For PM data, the "Ciungwanara" Center coordinates with the Social Welfare Data and Information Center (Pusdatin Kesos), the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, local government, and companions.
"We need to verify and validate data, so we get accurate and synchronous data," said Siti Sari. Coordination with the local government is carried out either by visiting the area directly or by writing, both regarding PM data and LKS data.
"We don't want to work with LKS which is not registered by the local government. So we also want some kind of guarantee from the local government, as well as so that the local government can also oversee the process of this service both when the PM is in the Ministry of Social Affairs guidance and after returning to domicile in their respective regions," said Siti Sari.
In line with the addition of PMs receiving services, the "Ciungwanara" Center also ensures that it will increase the number of LKS who become partners. For this reason, coordination with related local governments has been intensified since last November 2020.
In the next few months, the "Ciungwanara" Center will continue to finalize LKS which will become partners in service delivery. The next stage is that the Center will organize technical guidance-like activity involving LKS so that they understand the program that will be implemented.
“We will invite the LKS and assistants to a meeting like technical guidance. The goal is to transfer knowledge on how to provide services," said Siti Sari. The services to PM are provided in three forms, namely services within the institution (residential), outside the institution (community), and home care (service at PM's house).
During the pandemic, all technical service units within the Ministry of Social Affairs including the "Ciungwanara" Center implemented the COVID-19 health protocol. "Including more emphasis on services based outside the orphanage. Later, more of our officers will be on duty outside, including providing services to the PM's house to break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 virus," said Siti Sari.
Public Relations Bureau
The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
In 2021, the "Ciungwanara" Center in Cibinong is Ready to Serve 2,265 Beneficiaries from 14 Provinces