BATURRADEN (November 21, 2020) - In order to synergize and equalize perceptions regarding the directions and policies of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs regarding Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI), the "Satria" Victims of Illegal Drugs Rehabilitation Center in Baturraden is the organizer of the Consultation Meeting and Synchronization of the Social Rehabilitation Program Unit Technical Implementation (UPT) for Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

The activities, which have become a routine biennial agenda, aim to increase the enthusiasm and sportsmanship of HR in order to support improving employee performance.

The activity which lasted for three days from 18 to 20 November 2020 was attended by 182 participants consisting of the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center in Surakarta, "Kartini" Disability Center in Temanggung, Yogyakarta Social Welfare Service Research and Development Center, "Antasena" Children Center in Magelang, and "Satria" Victims of Illegal Drugs Rehabilitation Center in Baturraden

The activity was opened by the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat, which was carried out virtually. Harry said that the synergy between the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) for the Central Java and DIY regions encouraged changes. "Take advantage of this activity to increase the role and function of the Center. Build a commitment so that the Center can be maximal in carrying out ATENSI," said Harry.

In addition, Harry also expressed his appreciation for the implementation of the activity. "This is an embryo that can later be implemented on a national scale," said Harry.

Activities are packaged in the form of focus group discussions, sports, and artistic creativity. The Head of the Baturraden "Satria" Victims of Illegal Drugs Rehabilitation Center, Restyaningsih, expressed her gratitude for the trust so that the activities could be carried out by the Center.

"We still need to learn a lot. So that this opportunity is a means of sharing information so that we can jointly support the social rehabilitation service program so that it can provide more benefits to the community," concluded Resty.