MEDAN (October 29, 2019) - Located at the Hall of Social Rehabilitation for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) “Bahagia” in Medan, held an Entrepreneurship activity for Time Bound Shelter (TBS) beneficiaries for three months.
This activity is carried out by the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section to provide practical skills to beneficiaries in the center and prepare beneficiaries to be better prepared to return to the community which in the near future will end the social rehabilitation process.
The activity was opened by the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section of Sinarta. In her speech, Sinarta said that this activity was very useful to increase the skills of beneficiaries in the center apart from the vocational / skills department, which beneficiaries participated in every day at the center.
Meanwhile, Sri Sumarno, Head of BRSODH “Bahagia” in Medan, in his direction really hopes that the beneficiaries can take the knowledge that has been conveyed and can be applied so that they are able to live independently and productively.
Cullinary Art is one of the materials in this activity because it is easy to follow. In practice, under the guidance of Susi Novita, a Culinary instructor from the Medan Women's Care Association (P3M) Volunteer, who provided the beneficiaries with how to make potato donuts with topping variants that follow current market demands.
The activity which was attended by
17 beneficiaries of TBS for 3 months went smoothly with the hope that it could
increase the motivation of the beneficiaries to live more independently by
opening a business using stimulant support and developing their existing