JAKARTA (March 16, 2020) - Challenges faced by children are more complex in line with the increasing dynamics of social problems. Violence and abuse involving children is the topic of media coverage almost every day.
To overcome the above problems, Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara instructed that related work units in the Ministry of Social Affairs optimize various available resources, including the potential of the community.
"The Ministry of Social Affairs must be the vanguard and become the home for the Indonesian child protection movement," said Juliari, in Jakarta, Monday (03/16/2020).
In line with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation cooperated with the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) and the Central Child Protection Agency (Central LPA) to build strategic cooperation in handling child problems.
Today, Director General Social Rehabilitation Harry Hikmat signed a memorandum of understanding with LPAI and the Central LPA, with the headline "Prevention, Early Detection and Handling of Child Cases Needing Special Protection ".
Memorandum of Understanding to optimize resources, policies and programs in providing social protection and assistance for children who need special protection (AMPK).
“In the future, various elements of society need to improve their role and increase joint efforts to create protection for children. According to the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, today we are developing a partnership with the LPAI and the Central LPA,” said Harry Hikmat.
The Chairman of the Central LPA Arist Merdeka Sirait welcomed this cooperation. "This is one of our ways to provide the best for Indonesian children who are in an emergency situation," Arist Merdeka said.
LPAI Chair Seto Mulyadi emphasize the importance of community participation in this effort. "People need to take part in the national movement for child protection. This is the intimacy that will always be forged between the community and the Ministry of Social Affairs, "said Seto.
With this agreement, the three parties agreed to maintain, improve, and develop joint duties and responsibilities in terms of child protection, disseminating various child protection policies and programs, and conducting rapid responses to cases of violation of children's rights through complaint services.
Then also in the handling and assistance of children who need special protection, social rehabilitation and referral of safe home services for AMPK to legal process assistance for children who are dealing with the law and children with special needs.
Bureau of Public Relations
Ministry of Social Affairs