Budhi Dharma as the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Ministry of
Social Affairs which has a coverage area of 16 Provinces in Sumatra and Java
and Marzuki Mahdi Hospital as the UPT of the Ministry of Health which has
Referral Services throughout Indonesia, both of which have direct services to
the elderly. Marzuki Mahdi Hospital specifically serves the elderly with mental
health problems, which may be encountered in the social rehabilitation process
at Budhi Dharma.
Budhi Dharma has a Social Rehabilitation Assistance Program (ATENSI) which
is residential-based, family-based, and community-based. Residential-based
elderly come from reports and references from the community and institutions
related to various elderly conditions that require urgent and temporary
treatment in the center.
"This follows the
rules of Law No. 13 of 1998 on the Welfare of the Elderly, that the
requirements for the elderly that we serve are 60 years and over, as well as
the procedures and service files we prepare with a Handover Report (BAST), and
/ or with a reference letter from the relevant institution," Massy
explained, the Social Worker-Sub Coordinator represented the Head of Budhi
“In the process of treating
elderly with mental health problems, we really need to collaborate with mental
health experts to carry out screening at the beginning of the treatment of
elderly as a stage of our social work assessment. So that we can get an
overview of the condition of the elderly who can be treated at the center, or
have to be in a hospital, so that we are not wrong in carrying out the social
rehabilitation stage for the elderly" added Massy.
Iyep Yodiana, Health Extension at Marzuki Mahdi Hospital, said that his
party opens services in the hospital for geriatric-specific poly both
outpatient and inpatient, while out-of-hospital services are in the form of
outreach to the community, so that they are very open to receiving referrals
from the Elderly Center if in the initial process and continued to find elderly
indicated to have mental health problems.
“After we stay in touch with the Ministry of Social Affairs Office in
Sukabumi and Bogor, now we are visiting Budhi Dharma, and along with the ATENSI
program at MoSA, one of which is family-based, we also provide services to the
community as well as preparing the patient's family after home treatment so that family can receive patients who have recovered again," said I Ketut
Sudiatmika, Head of the PKRS and Keswamas Hospital Marzuki Mahdi Hospital.
"We provide services to families with patient family therapy in a
group called Self Help Group. This Group able to condition the patient's
families as a group, so they support and help each other to reduce their stress
in caring for patients after hospital services,'' added Mika.
In the discussion, it was also discussed about the health insurance used
by Budhi Dharma and Marzuki Mahdi Hospital in providing health services for the
Umi Mahampang, a psychologist at Budhi Dharma Bekasi said that the Center
has conducted screening with psychological test kits, followed by psychosocial
therapy for the elderly, gradually and according to the elderly's condition.
“Our psychological therapy is in the form of the Beck Depression
Inventory (BDI), the Elderly Mental Function Test (TFMLU), the Weschler
Behavioral Intelligence Scale (WBIS), and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT),
however, we still need further treatment for the elderly in a more serious
mental health disorder'' added Umi.
"We want to further improve our knowledge and skills as a health
team, we need to increase our capacity in dealing specifically with elderly
people with mental health disorders so that we need a more appropriate screening
tool and further provision for the Center health teams in handling elderly
mental health,” hope Elsa and Iis, Nurse at Budhi Dharma Bekasi Center.
"Dissemination and counseling on mental health management for the
elderly can also be synergized in promoting this mental health service program
to LKS (Social Welfare Institutions) and elderly families that we provide this
service," said Triyatni, Social Instructor of Budhi Dharma Bekasi.