PALEMBANG (February 1st 2020) - Reach Independence & Sustainable Entrepreneurship Program (R.I.S.E Program) is a program organized by the People Systems Consultancy (PSC) and the Maybank Foundation for persons with disabilities who will and already have businesses.

George Suwarno as Project Manager of the R.I.S.E Program explained that this program consists of 3 stages, namely Basic, Standard and Premium.

PSC organizes the R.I.S.E Basic Program or basic level for 2 days in several cities in Indonesia, one of which is Palembang. Taking place at Graha Bina Daksa BRSPDF Budi Perkasa, the R.I.S.E Basic program was held on January 28-29th 2020 and was attended by 109 participants.

This Basic Program will be followed by a Standard Program which will be followed by 50 participants selected by the PSC team. BRSPDF Budi Perkasa Palembang welcomed the programs and activities organized by the PSC.

Message from Elmiana as the Head of the Social Assessment and Advocacy Section representing the Head of the Center in closing the R.I.S.E Basic Program, "Apply the knowledge that has been obtained well to open a business and develop a business. Going forward, be enthusiastic and do your best."

PSC will also select from 109 participants to 50 participants to take part in the Standard R.I.S.E Program with more complete material accompanied by monitoring for participants so that participants get strengthening and monitoring of their business development.