BEKASI (February 18, 2021) - The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin inaugurated the Social Rehabilitation Assistance Center (ATENSI) at the Pangudi Luhur Training Center, Bekasi, owned by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. The ATENSI Creative Center is a center for entrepreneurship and vocational development as well as a media for promoting the work of beneficiaries in one area.

"I appreciate the Ministry of Social Affairs' initiative to develop the ATENSI Creation Center for former scavengers and the homeless, through culinary empowerment activities, hydroponic farming, laying hens, handicrafts and recycling non-organic waste into useful goods for the community, as well as empowering reflection services. beauty salon and convection," said Ma'ruf Amin.

This event includes the inauguration of a culinary stand processed by the beneficiaries of Pangudi Luhur Training Center Bekasi, delivery of electric wheelchairs for people with physical disabilities and Adaptive Wheelchairs for Persons with Cerebral Palsy Disabilities, placement of ready-to-work staff for former scavengers, handover of press machines and machines. enumerators to 5 Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) Pembina Pemulung and handover of ID cards and ATM cards ATENSI to former scavengers and the homeless.

This year, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs will provide facilities for friends with disabilities. This year, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' Center for Disabilities will build 300 wheelchairs.

Ma'ruf Amin visited the ATENSI Creation Center on the right block, which was filled with Coffee Cafe, Culinary and Visual Disability (Disnet) Band. The Vice President also visited the ATENSI Creation Center on the left block, which was filled with the Palusi Gallery, Cibinong Screen Printing and Graphic Design, Batik Ciprat Temanggung, Kurnia Tailor, Healthy Reflexology, Imel Salon and Kedai Bang Mail.

During the inauguration of the ATENSI Creation Center, Ma'ruf Amin also inspected the location for the construction of the Rusunawa in the Pangudi Luhur Training Center, Bekasi. Not to forget, Ma'ruf Amin also visited the stand for compost, hydroponic and egg products managed by the beneficiary.

The ATENSI Creation Center was created with the aim of increasing the entrepreneurial and vocational abilities of beneficiaries, creating job opportunities for beneficiaries and creating shopping and creative places in one area.

In the ATENSI Creation Center there are also elderly agro-tourism, fishing ponds, culinary gazebos, gallery workshops by beneficiaries, grape gardens, hydroponic cultivation, porang cultivation, catfish cultivation, laying hens cultivation, compost management (composter), beneficiary flats. and flies cattle and maggots.

Ma'ruf Amin said that the ATENSI program can be one of the strategic programs to eradicate extreme poverty – the poorest people who have not been reached by basic social services.

One of the ATENSI programs carried out at Pangudi Luhur Training Center Bekasi, the beneficiaries are given vocational training and entrepreneurship coaching such as food processing (culinary) training, freshwater fish cultivation training, waste management training, hydroponic plant training, chicken farming training, soil media plants training and composting training.

Ma'ruf Amin said that another effort that had been made by the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely recording population data for former scavengers and homeless people who did not have an ID card, was a step forward in fulfilling the identity rights of every citizen. It was reported that 65 former scavengers and homeless people had obtained ID cards.

Likewise, the creation of ATENSI's account books and ATM cards in collaboration with Bank Mandiri shows that financial inclusion can reach those with the lowest socioeconomic status. It is recorded that 7 former and homeless scavengers have received ATM ATENSI and 53 other former scavengers and homeless people are in the process of creating accounts.

The Ministry of Social Affairs through the ATENSI program for abandoned and vulnerable people also provides access for them to work in partner companies of the Ministry of Social Affairs. A total of 5 beneficiaries from Pangudi Luhur Training Center Bekasi have worked at PT. PP Properti Grand Kamala Lagoon, 41 beneficiaries from Balai Karya Pangudi Luhur Bekasi, Social Welfare Institution (LKS) ERBE, LKS Kumala and LKS Balarenik have worked at PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk.

Then 9 beneficiaries from LKS Bhakti Nurul Iman have been distributed to PT. Eagle Mahkota Teknologi and PT. Otsindo Prima Raya and 6 beneficiaries of LKS Swara Peduli have been distributed to PT. Kamadjaja Logistics.

"The job opportunities given to former scavengers and homeless people in state-owned companies should be followed by private companies and other state-owned companies," said Ma'ruf Amin.

Ma'ruf Amin also advised that the social welfare institutions that have been working hard at the grassroots are expected to be able to improve the ability of scavengers as drivers of city cleanliness as well as become useful economic assets for the waste recycling activities that have been carried out.

"I am sure, through this ATENSI Program, the various efforts made by the Government together with all stakeholders will directly benefit the community, including those who are socially and economically affected by Covid-19, as well as for marginalized/abandoned community members in general," concluded Ma'ruf Amin.

Tri Rismaharini in her report said that one of the social impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic was that many people had lost their homes.

"We provide a solution to this problem by making Simple Flats for Rent (Rusunawa) for former scavengers and the homeless, as well as creating job opportunities through the ATENSI Creation Center," said Risma.

The Rusunawa will be built in 2 locations, namely the Pangudi Luhur Training Center Bekasi and the Bambu Apus Jakarta Protection House and Trauma Center (RPTC) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs. In collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), the Ministry of Social Affairs will build 2 Rusunawa Towers with 5 floors each with a capacity for 100 abandoned residents and vulnerable groups.

In the future, Rusunwa will also be built in several Social Rehabilitation Centers, namely Centers in Solo, Medan, Makassar and Tanjung Pinang in 2022 and Balai in Bandung, Palembang, Denpasar and Kupang in 2023.

The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil in his speech said that of all the bad news, today he heard good news. "It is an extraordinary spirit with the presence of the ATENSI Creation Center in Bekasi City. There are 2 ATENSI Ministry of Social Affairs in West Java, in Bekasi and Sukabumi. We thank the Minister of Social Affairs," he said.

The inauguration of the ATENSI Creative Center was attended by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Ministry of Home Affairs Officials, Echelon I Officials of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, President Director of PT. PP Properti, PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, PT. Eagle Mahkota Teknologi, PT. Kamadjaja Logistics, PT. Otsindo Prima Raya, Chair of Cortezian Indonesia and Chair of LKS.