DELI SERDANG (February 1, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Center for Social Rehabilitation of Drug Abuse Victims "Insyaf" in Medan in collaboration with the Disaster Preparedness Cadets (Tagana) of North Sumatra Province carried out Basic Training on Disaster Management and Disaster Mitigation. This activity involved 40 participants consisting of 30 Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS), 6 Civil Servants, and 4 Drug Victim Companions.

"This activity is a follow-up to the instructions of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini that every Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs must be ready to provide assistance to disaster victims in their respective areas. Besides that, we have also received disaster management equipment from the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security, we do not know how to use it. and what its function is, therefore we are collaborating with Tagana to provide basic disaster management training, said Sulaiman, Head of Medan "Insyaf" Center when giving directions.

Sulaiman added that in the activity which was carried out for 5 days starting from February 1 to 5, the participants will receive material from Tagana such as introduction to types of disasters, first aid training, preparedness strategies, simulations for dealing with disasters and public kitchens at disaster locations. "I hope that all participants can take this activity seriously, especially for the Civil Servants Team that has been appointed," he said.

Eka Darmayanto, the coordinator of North Sumatra Tagana, emphasized to the participants that being a member of Tagana must always appear enthusiastic because we are dealing with victims of natural disasters whose conditions may be very unstable due to loss of property and even family members. "We have to show ourself as people who can help them, people who are not slacky,  so the victims believe that we can help them," he insisted.