SOUTHEAST SULAWESI (November 21, 2020) - The Kendari “Minaula” Elderly Center as one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPTs) belonging to the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation carries out Activities to Strengthen the Functions and Roles of Elderly Social Welfare Institutions (LKSLU) in dealing with Elderly Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI LU).
The activity was carried out in four LKSLU located in Southeast Sulawesi Province, namely LKSLU Darul Madinah Al Munawwaroh Bombana Regency (Pusaka 19), Butuni Assalam, Buton Regency (Pusaka 22), La Dundu Care Central Buton Regency (Pusaka 26), and Radza Insan Permata Regency Buton Tengah (Pusaka 27).
The form of activity carried out is the socialization of the implementation of the ATENSI LU Program to LKSLU related to social rehabilitation services using a family, community, and/or residential based approach. In addition, the Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Assistance for the Elderly was also carried out.
Syamsuddin as the Head of the "Minaula" Elderly Center in Kendari said that it is necessary to accelerate the implementation of ATENSI LU, not to wait for next year, this has become a directive from the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.
"We are also committed to carrying out ATENSI LU seriously, therefore we immediately coordinate and consolidate with all stakeholders, especially LKSLU," he said.
Jasman as a Social Worker in addition to explaining the approach and activities in the ATENSI LU Program, also provides direction to LKSLU to always develop LKSLU, one of which is partnering with stakeholders or other partners.
In addition, the team from the “Minaula” Center in Kendari for the Elderly also checked the accountability reports and documentation of the Elderly Social Assistance Program that had been implemented previously. "The accountability report and documentation are written evidence related to the activities that have been carried out by LKSLU," concluded Jasman.
At the same time, the four LKSLU are being visited by the Assessor Team from the Accreditation Board for Social Welfare Institutions (BALKS), related to the LKS accreditation assessment. To support these activities, the Kendari “Minaula” Elderly Center Team also provided assistance and reinforcement to LKSLU in the visitation process.
It is hoped that every LKSLU throughout Indonesia will be accredited and become a developing and independent LKSLU.
Introducing ATENSI LU, "Minaula" Elderly Center Kendari Enable LKSLU
Humas "Minaula" Kendari
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N