KARANGASEM (30 August 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Mahatmiya” Bali responded to a viral case on social media, namely, I Wayan Switi (36 years old), a fisherman who was reported to be suffering from tuberculosis (TB) which made him unable to work properly. He lives with his wife Ni Wayan Repot (47 years) and their son I Putu Nanda Anugrah (1.8 years) in an uninhabitable house with a kitchen building next to his house which almost collapsed.


Previously, Middle Social Worker Mahatmiya Neneng Ratnaningsih coordinated with the Head of the Karangasem Regency Social Service, I Gede Basma to work together to handle the case.


The Mahatmiya case response team immediately went to the field to investigate the truth of the news. However, after the team verified the truth of the news to the nurse managing the TB program at the Seraya II Health Center, Karangasem Regency, Ni Luh Putu Aryani and based on medical record data, it was known that I Wayan Switi was confirmed positive in November 2019. Then he received TB treatment for 6 (six) months until declared negative on May 30, 2020.


However, two weeks ago he started coughing lightly, so this morning he went to the Puskesmas (Public Health Center) for a check-up with the Kelian Adat Banjar Benasari, I Wayan Artika. This was confirmed by the nurse where he was treated today. For the time being, the health center provides medication according to the signs and symptoms. To anticipate the recurrence of the TB disease that he had suffered, the plan was that tomorrow (31/8), I Wayan Switi and his family were referred to the Karangasem Hospital for sputum examination. According to Puskesmas officials, this was done to speed up the examination process.


 "We refer to the hospital so that the results are faster. What is needed is sputum in the morning so that the sample is good. The results are usually obtained in one day," said Aryani. And if the result is positive for TB, the treatment will be handled by the local health center until it is complete.


Ni Luh Putu Aryani also explained that the patient had been recorded for home surgery in the special routine assistance program for poor TB sufferers from the Ministry of Health in 2020. However, until now there has been no realization.


Through this data, the team moved to the Seraya Village Office to coordinate with local village officials. In this coordination, the team invited representatives from the Karangasem Regency Social Service and Social Work Service Unit (Sakti Peksos). The head of Seraya Village Headquarters, Nyoman Suardana, said that at first, his party did not know there was a viral case.

After receiving an explanation from the team, Nyoman Suardana is committed to helping solve the problems faced by his residents. He also explained that I Wayan Switi had already been registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), but he could not explain in detail why his citizens were not registered with the DTKS.

"Actually, Wayan Switi was included in the DTKS in 2019, but for some reason, the data was not in the system, I don't understand where the error was," he said.

Suardana will also reprocess the submission of its citizens this September. "It just so happens that next month there will be a data entry process for the DTKS program, I will immediately process it so that I can be included in the DTKS," Suardana promised.

Then the team went to I Wayan Switi's house to review the existence of the house and kitchen which had been viral as unfit for habitation. From the observations, the
house is indeed classified as uninhabitable, the room feels stuffy due to lack of ventilation, the cement floor is dirty and dusty.

Meanwhile, the kitchen next to the building where he lived seemed to have almost collapsed, the kitchen walls were made of rotten woven bamboo, the earth floor, and tin-roofed. When the team asked about bathing facilities, I Wayan Switi said that they didn't have any.

"I don't have a bathroom. If I take a shower next to the kitchen, in an open space, I usually defecate in the garden," he said.

From the observations, the Team explained that it would provide Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) service in the form of support for fulfilling a decent life, namely bathing, washing, and toilet facilities (MCK). The Mahatmiya Center will provide building materials, while the village will help provide masons and river stones.

Previously, (28/08) Mahatmiya Center had assisted in the form of necessities in the form of 10 kg of rice, 1 kg of sugar, 2 cans of sweetened condensed milk, 1 can of vitamin supplements, 2 boxes of vitamins, 1 box of tea, 20 eggs, 40 packs of instant noodles, 2 liters of cooking oil, 4 packs of biscuits, 1 bottle of eucalyptus oil, 1 bottle of rubbing oil, 1 folding mattress, and 1 box of ready-to-eat food.

Sakti Peksos Nanda also said that I Wayan Switi had received assistance in the form of Productive Micro Business Assistance (BPUM) twice worth IDR 2,400,000 at the end of last year and IDR 1,200,000 in April 2021.