BANDUNG (28 May 2020) - The team for submitting Social Assistance for the Impact of COVID-19 to the Wyata Guna Hall, led by Head of Social Assesment and Advocacy Section, A. Heri Kusuma Wardana to represent Head of Wyata Guna Hall, moving towards Tasikmalaya City, to hand over 95 packages of groceries. Welcomed by the Chairman of LKS Al Hikmah Kota Tasikmalaya, Saepul Milah, "Thank you to the Wyata Guna hall for the attention to Persons with Visual Sensory Disabilities (PDSN) in Tasikmalaya City, this assistance will further strengthen the existing cooperation", he said.

The second team moved to the Office of Social Affairs, Community and Village Empowerment, Women Empowerment and Child Protection Kab, Tasikmalaya, bringing 53 packages of basic necessities consisting of rice, cooking oil, eggs, boiled noodles, soap, biscuits, sardines. Located in the meeting room, Head of the Section for Rehabilitation of Children, Elderly and Persons With Disabilities, Hj. Eet Ruhaeti Indrapraja expressed her gratitude because this assistance means a lot to people with visual impairments in their area, however, coordination continues to be improved in order to distribute social assistance more effectively, she ordered.

The third team arrived at the Pertuni Secretariat, greeted by the Head of Pertuni Kab. Garut, Jejen Arifin, who symbolically received 66 basic food packages, said that these staples are very useful in uncertain situations like today. "Most of the visual disabilities in Kab. Garut works as a masseuse in a situation where the economy of the COVID-19 pandemic is affected, so this staple food is very helpful to meet their daily needs ".

Targeting Priangan land, the fourth team arrived at the Social, Empowerment, Community and Village District Office. Pangandaran to deliver 15 basic food packages. Received symbolically by Rai Pasa, Head of Social Management and Rehabilitation. "The assessment is good so that assistance is right on target, there is no change or replacement of social assistance recipients," he said.