(10 November 2021) - Following
the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini regarding the
provision of multifunctional and multi-purpose services, Social Rehabilitation
Center Kahuripan Sukabumi welcomes a Working Visit and Gathering of Social
Rehabilitation Center Mulya Jaya Jakarta.
directly by the Head of Center, 9 Mulya Jaya Center employees consisting of
Social Workers, physical and skills training facilitators, archivists, service
material compilers, financial report compilers, PPNPN (Non Civil Servant
Government Employees) convey their goals to find out how to provide services to
people with HIV that has been implemented in Kahuripan.
Kahuripan and Mulya Jaya Center exchanged information and conducted FGDs
related to services for people with HIV as well as the multi-service process at
the Kahuripan Center Sukabumi, such as the requirements for accepting PPKS who
are HIV-infected, attitudes that are generally raised by people living with
HIV. PLHIV, treatment related to HIV to indicators of termination of PLWHIV.
is hoped that with this working visit and gathering, the two Technical
Implementation Units (UPT) at the Ministry of Social Affairs can provide
maximum and targeted services for potential beneficiaries.