TEMANGGUNG (April 10, 2021) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Kartini" Center in Temanggung collaborated with the Surabaya Hotel School (SHS) to conduct Culinary Training. This activity is the second time after the first cooking training was held at Pangudi Luhur Training Center in Bekasi.
The SHS team headed by Chef Bagus Supomo provides training in making various kinds of pastries that are delicious and marketable. About 16 pastries are taught in this training.
The activity was attended by 30 participants who were beneficiaries and assistant representatives from the "Kartini" Center in Temanggung, the "Antasena" Children's Center in Magelang, the "Margolaras" Disability Center in Pati, and the "Baturraden" Resident Center.
This training activity was also carried out in conjunction with the Hero of the Economy Webinar which was broadcast live streaming at the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA) of "Kartini" Disability Center in Temanggung. This webinar also introduced SKA Center for Disabilities "Kartini" Temanggung and the atmosphere at the training location. satisfied.
The resource persons for this webinar are Special Staff of the Minister of Social Affairs for Communication and Mass Media Don Rozano Sigit Prakoeswa, Special Staff of the Minister of Social Affairs for the Need for Social Welfare Services and Potential Sources of Social Welfare Luhur Budijarso Lulu, Special Staff for the Minister of Social Affairs for Human Resources Development and Ministry Programs Suhadi Lili, Special Staff of the Minister of Social Affairs for Empowerment and Management of the Poor Doddi Madya Judanto and Head of the Center for Disabilities "Kartini" Temanggung, Juena Sitepu.
"Kartini" Center and SHS Held Culinary Training
Humas Ditjen Rehabilitasi Sosial
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N