TEMANGGUNG (April 27, 2021) - "Kartini" Center for Disabilities Temanggung received three Beneficiaries (PM) for People with Mental Disabilities (PDM) referrals from the "Margo Laras" Center Pati, namely AMY, S, and C. The "Margo Laras" Center Team was received directly by the Head of the "Kartini" Center for Disabilities Juena Br. Sitepu.

Juena stated that the "Kartini" Center for Disabilities is ready to provide multifunctional services in accordance with the directions and policies of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, that the centers at the Ministry of Social Affairs must be ready to carry out multifunctional ATENSI services for all people in need without any specific problems. The Center must be able and ready to provide services for all social welfare service recipients (PPKS).

The three PMs who came from Temanggung, Wonosobo, and Sleman Regencies have completed social rehabilitation at the "Margo Laras" Center and have been declared cured and ready to return to society. They will be placed to work at the Kartini Temanggung Atensi Creation Center (SKA) in the laundry, ornamental plant nurseries, and splash batik-making departments.

The three of them will attend training for 2 weeks at SKA before being placed in the section that has been prepared and during the training and work they will be accompanied by social workers to get used to the work they will be doing. The three of them were very communicative and felt happy. "I am very happy because I have been entrusted with working at SKA Temanggung. And I promise to be enthusiastic at work," said AMY.

While working at SKA Kartini they will receive temporary housing in the hall until they are able to live independently in the midst of the community and they will receive a salary the amount of which will be adjusted to their ability to work and do business.

After signing the Minutes and submitting the assessment and rehabilitation files, the three PMs were placed in the cottage accompanied by supporting social workers and therapists during training and working at SKA Kartini.