(June 8, 2021) - Kartini Temanggung Center
provides special therapy services to students at the Bunda Non-Governmental
Organization (LKS) in Magelang Regency. Kartini Center and LKS Bunda have long
worked together to provide social welfare services for people with
Head of Kartini Center, Juena Sitepu, said
that her party provides preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and promotive
health and therapy services. Health services include personal health in the
form of general, dental, mental, and nutrition as well as environmental health
and public health, said Juena.
"Special therapy includes speech therapy,
physiotherapy, and occupational therapy," said Juena. She stated that her
party provides health education for people with disabilities, especially
intellectual disabilities. In addition, similar education was also provided to
beneficiary teachers and parents.
"We do a lot of cooperation with LKS
formed by the community, both legal entities and not," said Juena.
LKS Swadaya Bunda fosters as many as 25 people
with disabilities. This LKS does not yet have the special therapy services
needed by persons with disabilities to support the development of motor and
health aspects.
In addition to people with intellectual
disabilities, similar services are also provided to beneficiaries who
experience growth retardation and cerebral palsy.
One of the LKS Swadaya Bunda supervisors, Dewi
Purwani, appreciated the activity. According to her, the students feel the
benefits of this special therapy. So far, her party has only recorded
independence for students, while in terms of therapy and health it has never
been given, explained Dewi.
"This activity is very helpful to improve
the quality and development of students’ growth who have limitations,"
said Dewi.
Apart from being beneficial for students at
LKS Swadaya Bunda, this activity, Dewi acknowledged, is also beneficial for
children outside the LKS environment. Dewi said that her party could pass on
the lessons learned to children who were not under the direct guidance of LKS
Swadaya Bunda.