BREBES (April 20, 2021) - "Kartini" Disability Rehabilitation Center in Temanggung responds to cases of neglect that befell Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in Brebes Regency.
In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini that the Ministry of Social Affairs must immediately respond to problems that occur in society, the Kartini Center case response team provided assistance for cases that befell intellectual disabilities in Brebes.
The team coordinated with the Brebes Regency Social Office regarding the efforts to be carried out to assist Beneficiaries (PM). The activity continued with a visit to the Suka Mulya Halfway House to find out the Chronology of PM's discovery and life while at the Halfway House. To complete the information and find out the potential for an assessment to be carried out using the Virtusee application.
The next stage of Case Response has carried out through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) which was attended by the Head of the Brebes Regency Social Office, Masfuri, Head of Social Rehabilitation, Slamet, Head of the Section for Handling Persons with Social Deviance Issues, Arif Syaifudin, Head of Grinting Village, Suhartono who found the PM, Halfway House Officer, Arif, Assistant for Disabilities, Sefiyana.
The FGD aims to unify the opinions and commitments of all parties and reach a consensus on the follow-up of the case. On this occasion the Head of Grinting Village, Suhartono hoped that the PM could be referred on behalf of the Social Service because his family was not aware of it. In fact, they have tried to find his family but have not been found.
The results of the FGD are used as a recommendation for PM to be referred to the Raharjo Social Institution, Sragen, which is the UPT of the Central Java Provincial Social Service.
The Head of the Brebes Regency Social Office, Masfuri, stated that he really hopes that the collaboration with the Kartini Disability Center will continue to provide services for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. The activity ended with the delivery of basic needs assistance to PM.
"Kartini" Disability Rehabilitation Center Response the Abandoned Intellectual Disabilities
Humas Balai Besar Disabilitas Kartini Temanggung
David Myoga
Intan Qonita N