The peak of the commemoration of the 26th HLUN in 2022 was held in
Tasikmalaya Regency. This location was chosen because based on the Social Welfare
Integrated Data (DTKS) in 2022, the number of elderly in Tasikmalaya Regency is
28,950 people, and it is the most commonly found in Indonesia.
The head of Kupang Efata Center, Supriyono said that for the 26th HLUN
2022 in Tasikmalaya, Efata Center handed over ATENSI to 123 elderly in Kadipaten
District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java Province.
This assistance was given in the context of a series of celebrations for
the 26th National Elderly Day (HLUN) in 2022 which was carried out in 39
Districts in Tasikmalaya Regency.
In this celebration, Kupang Efata Center provided Atensi to Kadipaten
District in the form of 77 packages of necessities, nutrition and
clothing, 14 wheelchairs, 10 entrepreneurship capital assistance, 1 hearing
aid, 9 walking sticks, and 1 package of household items.
The provision of Atensi is given to single elderly who no longer have
anyone. By providing Atensi by Efata Center, it is hoped that it can help ease
the burden on the elderly in the Tasikmalaya district, especially in Kadipaten
On this National Elderly Day, Efata Center also invites all people to be
able to serve the elderly in their respective environments, especially our
parents. Healthy Elderly, Strong Indonesia.