KENDARI (April 28th 2020) - Loka Minaula Social Rehabilitation Workshop (LRSLU), UPT Ministry of Social Affairs, began distributing Social Assistance for the Elderly Social Rehabilitation Program (Progres LU) to 2,283 elderly who were categorized as poor in Southeast Sulawesi.

In its distribution, Loka Minaula collaborated with 29 Social Welfare Institutions (LKS LU) spread across several districts / cities.

According to Syamsuddin, Head of Loka Minaula, the LU Progress is one of the Ministry of Social's efforts to ease the burden on the community, especially the elderly as a vulnerable group, in the COVID-19 outbreak.

"This is an official direction from the Minister of Social Affairs to speed up the distribution of the Social Assistance for Progress LU. The elderly are a priority because they are most vulnerable to the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore we must be present quickly to help the community alleviate their problems, according to our tagline the Ministry of Social Affairs is Present (Kemensos Hadir). Total social assistance budget disbursed by the Ministry of Social Affairs for the elderly in Southeast Sulawesi Province is IDR 6,164,100,000 through Progres-LU Loka Minaula Kendari”. Said Syamsuddin, who was also involved in the process of distributing aid.

Each elderly will receive IDR 2,700,000 with details of the assistance fund aimed at (Bantu LU) of IDR 1.5 million for elderly assistance, IDR 500 thousand for family support, as a guide for family members who care for the elderly if at any time the elderly need something urgent can use these funds, as well as funds for social care and therapy amounting to IDR 700 thousand.

Purposeful grants and family support were delivered in cash. Meanwhile, the therapy and social care funds will be managed by LKS LU to distribute according to the needs of the elderly. The funds can be used to purchase items needed by the elderly, such as aids, or immune-boosting foods, vitamins, supplements, honey, milk for the elderly or spend on PPE and personal hygiene tools such as masks and soap to protect the elderly from COVID-19 outbreaks, this fund can also be used to pay for professional services for elderly therapy such as doctors, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapy, if the elderly need professional services.

"So, the management of therapy and social care funds will be handed over to LKS LU to be distributed according to the elderly needs based on the results of the assessment from the assistant. It can be in the form of food for immune enhancement, PPE, and personal hygiene, assistive tools such as sticks, or to pay for professional services, where the total assistance per elderly is IDR 700,000.

One of the elderly recipients Bunga Sau (69), was deeply moved, with teary eyes thanked the Ministry of Social Affairs for receiving the LU Progress assistance. Grandma Bunga's husband just died and now she lives with her daughter in a very simple house.

"Alhamdulillah, I am very happy to receive assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, in such difficult conditions there is assistance and attention from the government, I never thought I could get help. This assistance is very helpful for buying necessities of daily life. Buy rice, fish, vegetables, and other necessities "

Apart from providing social assistance, Progres LU also applies the concept of mentoring. Each LKS LU has a companion, each companion has 10 assisted elderly. On a regular basis, the assistants conduct home visits to the elderly's house to ensure that the elderly are well.

The mentors have taken part in technical guidance and mentoring techniques so that they can also carry out the mentoring process professionally. Of course, in working, assistants must apply health protocols that have been regulated by the government, such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, and so on. We've also provided them with guidance on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

In addition to providing assistance to the elderly, they also provide education to families who care for the elderly, and involve other parties to caring and loving for the elderly.

In its distribution, LKS LU also coordinates with local governments such as village heads, RT / RW, and even Public Order Officers.

"In the distribution of aid, we coordinated with the local government. Some even assisted in the distribution process, such as the Bende, Salo, and Puwatu Village Heads. Head of Public Order Officers who is also a social assistance task force was present." Said Nurjanah, the head of LKS LU Al-Jannah.

To ensure that the aid reaches the recipients, the assistants who distribute the aid must make documentation in the form of photos and videos, the video contains testimony from the elderly that they have received a number of LU Progress assistance from Loka Minaula Kendari, Ministry of Social Affairs.

In addition to Southeast Sulawesi, the LU Progress has also begun to be distributed in 8 Provinces, the work range of Loka Minaula Kendari with a total of 7060 elderly recipients of assistance. The 8 provinces are Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua.