JEMBER (January 21, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Mahatmiya" Bali Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Visual Disabilities provides trauma healing to people with visual and sensory disabilities in Kerajan villages, Curah Nongko and Menampu, Wonoasri District, Jember Regency, East Java Province.

The activity began with coordination with the Social Office of Jember Regency, then the team immediately went down with the Social Office to the aid post to register the aids to be handed over and coordinate the delivery techniques.

Based on information from the Social Office of Jember Regency, there were 45 families affected by the flood and 45 packages of assistance were provided from the Mahatmiya Netra Center, with each package containing 5 kg of rice, 10 pcs masks, 1 strip of vitamin C, hand sanitizer. 100 ml, 1 liter cooking oil, 8 packs of instant noodles, 2 cans of sardines, 1 bottle of sweet soy sauce, 1 bottle of chili sauce, 1 bottle of bath soap and 3 packs of detergent.

The first aid was given to people with visual disabilities in Wonoasri village. The team met directly with the beneficiaries as well as carried out an assessment accompanied by their families, District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), local village officials and a team from the Jember Social Office.

Because Wonoasri was the most affected by the flood, the team decided to go door-to-door and at the same time provide reinforcement to several beneficiaries and their families.

The Mahatmiya team consisting of the Section Head of Social Services and Rehabilitation Herlin Wahyuni ​​Hidayat, middle social worker Ni Putu Esti, Head of Social Assessment and Advocacy Muhammad Sahibudin, Social Counselor Benny Manga and I Ketut Lega Subawa continued their trip to Curah Nongko Village, a village that also affected by flooding.

The team met with the Head of Bulk Village Nongko Bambang Bukadi and the Head of Tempurejo Sub-district, Yahya Iskandar Wardayat which was followed by coordination regarding the delivery of aid and the implementation of trauma healing for the visually impaired.

As a result of this coordination, the team carried out trauma healing individually for each beneficiary due to some of the beneficiary's conditions that made it impossible for them to attend the village office.

Yahya appreciated the quick steps taken by the Ministry of Social Affairs. "Thank you for the help and the quick response to the disaster that hit our area. This will be very helpful for our residents who are affected by the flood," Yahya said to all residents present at the village office.

Next, the team continued their journey to Menampu Village for trauma healing and handing over of aid.

In this village trauma healing is carried out classically, all visually impaired people sit on chairs accompanied by their families in a circle to carry out trauma healing. Trauma healing begins with sharing stories about the flood and their feelings.

From that story, the team focused on trauma healing with relaxation followed by hypnotherapy. Trauma healing was carried out for approximately 1 hour and then continued with the distribution of assistance and administrative settlement.

"I really feel the presence of the Ministry of Social Affairs in our community," said Penampi Village Head, Aan Rofi'i to the Mahatmiya team.