JAKARTA (May 6, 2023) - The online bazaar for the Indonesia Economic Hero (PENA) program displays a variety of local South Sulawesi products, such as Bugis Makassar batik clothes, party clothes, cibori headscarves, party bags, eco print fabrics, eco print tote bags, eco print t-shirts, decorative lamps, pamiring skullcaps made of palm leaf fronds, various chips (dragon fruit, lime leaves, kelor leaves), baruasa cakes, and putu kacang cakes.

The PENA online bazaar activity was held by the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Makassar Center for Social Welfare Education and Training (BBPPKS) together with the Sentra Wirajaya Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) in Makassar.

To introduce and offer products, online promotions were carried out guided by SKA assistants in each Work Unit (Satker), namely Herni as SKA assistant from BBPPKS Makassar and Hasni as SKA assistant from Sentra Wirajaya Makassar.

Various local products being sold are the creations of vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities who are Beneficiaries (PM) and former PM Sentra Wirajaya, as well as the work of Beneficiary Families (KPM) alumni of community empowerment training at BBPPKS Makassar.

The Head of BBPPKS Makassar who is also the Acting Head of the Wirajaya Sentra in Makassar Anna Puspasari appreciated the PENA online bazaar as the right place to introduce and promote the works of members of vulnerable groups.

"This online bazaar is a momentum to emphasize that the Ministry of Social Affairs is present in the community, especially from vulnerable groups," said Anna Puspasari at the Wirajaya Creative Attention Center (SKA) in Makassar, Saturday (6/5/23).

One of the residents, Yayat, who was visiting the SKA cafe in Wirajaya Sentra, also appreciated the online bazaar activity which can be replicated in other hangout places in Makassar City.

"In general, cafes and shophouses are profit-oriented, but concern for the work of members of vulnerable groups requires a strategy and market share that must be considered and assisted by all parties," said Yayat.