JAKARTA (April 24th 2020) - Implementation of TePAK in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic is still ongoing at Social Rehabilitation Service Unit for Children with Disabilities (ULRS APD). There were 38 TePAK participants consisting of 32 beneficiaries and 6 general public using voice recording method followed by material infographics via Whatsapp Group.  ⁣

The theme of TePAK this time is "language and speech development", hope that parents can recognize stages of language development and recognize language development disorders. In addition, it can change patterns of caring and loving, especially in providing language stimulation of children in family so that later children can be independent in social life

Based on results of pre-test and post-test participants showed extraordinary results they were able to recognize stages of language development and speak quite well, from 30 percent to 80 percent.  ⁣

"I am very happy that in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, I can still gain knowledge and share stories from parents," said one participant.