KENDARI (6 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the "Meohai" Kendari Center, mobilized all employees, both State Apparatus(ASN) and non-State Apparatus to participate in the Covid-19 vaccination simultaneously on Thursday (6/5). The Covid-19 vaccination activity was directly led by the Head of "Meohai" Center, Budi Sucahyono.


According to Budi Sucahyono, all employees of "Meohai" Kendari Center, both ASN and non-ASN, are required to take part in the Covid-19 vaccination process. This is following Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 14 of 2021 on the sanctions that will be imposed on government employees who do not undergo Covid-19 vaccination.


"I instruct all "Meohai" employees, both ASN and non-ASN to undergo vaccinations, for those who refuse to be vaccinated will be subject to sanctions as stated in Presidential Decree No. 14 of 2021, except for employees who are not healthy or sick," he explained.


Budi explained that before being vaccinated, all employees would be asked some questions by the vaccine officer regarding their medical history, if they were considered sick or it was not possible to be vaccinated, then the employee had the right to refuse, because it was feared that something untoward would happen.


The vaccination process was carried out simultaneously, followed by 26 ASNs and 14 Non ASNs at the Aliya 3 General Hospital, which is about 2 kilometers from "Meohai" Kendari Office. The vaccination process was carried out by medical officers at Aliya 3 Hospital in an orderly and smooth manner without any complaints. After participating in the first phase of Covid-19 vaccination, 40 "Meohai" employees were relieved to have fulfilled their obligations as good citizens, who supported the Government's program towards a Covid-19-Free Indonesia.


As with the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2021on the implementation of vaccinations in the context of Covid-19, vaccination will be carried out in 2 stages. Vaccination aims to optimize the formation of body antibodies. Because it is not formed immediately after the vaccine is injected, it is necessary to wait for 14 days to receive the next stage of vaccination.


For the second phase of vaccination, the plan is to take place on June 2, 2021. It is hoped that before undergoing the second phase of vaccination, all employees must maintain stamina or body health to remain in good health while undergoing the next stage of vaccination.