SOUTH KONAWE (November 27, 2020) - Kendari "Minaula" Elderly Center as Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation carries out HR Capacity Building for Employees at Kendari "Minaula" Elderly Center, Senior Professionals, and Family Support Center (PUSAKA) in eight coverage areas. The activity was attended by 27 Civil Servants in Kendari's "Minaula" Elderly Center and 94 PUSAKA from eight coverage areas.

Capacity building for human resources related to case management is carried out because there are still many elderly people who cannot optimally access the sources of their needs, families and the elderly have limitations in physical, mental mobility, knowledge of resources, maturity, experience, verbal skills and other limitations, as well as their unable to negotiate with a complex and uncoordinated system of social service resources.

Syamsuddin as the Head of the "Minaula" Elderly Center Kendari said that although case management has often been implemented by PUSAKA, this capacity building can add insight and knowledge so that case management is more professional and provides changes.

Present as resource person Tuti Kartika, Lecturer from Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic with the material "Case Management in the context of ATENSI LU (Elderly Social Rehabilitation Assistance)". He conveyed the principles in case management, namely service integration, service continuity, equal access for all, quality services, advocacy, looking at people comprehensively, empowering the elderly, and conducting evaluations.

He also added that the first ATENSI Business Process is family-based by providing family support and family strengthening, the second is community-based by strengthening PUSAKA and community capacities and the third is residential-based as a last resort by meeting almost all basic needs and therapy.

Linda, the administrator from PUSAKA 20, Southeast Sulawesi Province, said that our PUSAKA has only been running for one year, but we have utilized the source system with the sub-districts in Bau-bau City so that we were able to identify 350 elderly who need assistance and we are also working with health services so that we can bring nurses to conduct health checks and provide access for the elderly to hospitals.

The hope from the Implementation of this Case Management Capacity Building Activity is that PUSAKA can understand the service system and source system not only from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs or the Kendari "Minaula" Elderly Center, PUSAKA can collaborate with Local Governments, Health Services, Universities, and Private Parties so that can make it easier for the elderly to access and meet their needs.