JAKARTA (January 28, 2020) - Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P.Batubara gave a speech as well as officially opening the Technical Working Meeting of the Social Rehabilitation Program in 2020.Mensos appreciates the Social Rehabilitation Program 5 New Platform Cluster (PROGRES 5.0 NP) as branding further social rehabilitation.The term is quite memorable. "But I say, please immediately concrete all these good initiatives," Minister of Social Affairs said.

The change from orphanage to Balai/Loka should not be allowed for too long just a change of name. Minister of Social Affairs also provides six follow-up steps so that PROGRES 5.0 NP can be implemented properly.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto in his report said that Social Rehabilitation will seek consolidation between employees and stakeholders of the Social Rehabilitation Program in order to identify obstacles and potential solutions for improving the implementation of the Social Rehabilitation Program in 2020.

This activity was attended by 220 participants consisting of echelon officials I, II, III and IV in the environment of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Head of Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), Financial Reporting Officer of the Provincial Social Service, and Reporting Officer in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.