JAKARTA (30 December 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini opened the International Day of Disabilities (HDI) Expo 2022 at Aneka Bhakti Building Ministry of Social Affairs, Jakarta, Friday (30/12).


 HDI Expo 2022 is the last link in the entire series of HDI 2022 since December 3, 2022. HDI 2022 is the 30th anniversary since it was first launched at the UN General Assembly in 1992.


 "This is one of a series of events from last December 3. At this time, we don't need a ceremony, we move and step directly to help our brothers, as stated in No One Left Behind. Let's help together," said Social Affairs Minister Risma.


 HDI 2022 National Theme is entitled "Meaningful Participation Towards Sustainable, Inclusive Development".  This HDI commemoration aims to increase global understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for respecting, protecting, and fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities.


 Inclusion is the keyword to provide the same opportunities for persons with disabilities in various fields to achieve better welfare.  The HDI 2022 theme also emphasizes innovation, involving technology, which is directed at increasing the accessibility of persons with disabilities, and how disability problems can be solved in more creative ways, but still effective and efficient.


 HDI Expo 2022 is an event to showcase the various extraordinary potentials possessed by persons with disabilities through the work they produce.  Starting from works of art (paintings, dances), works on processed food and snacks, and typical Indonesian products such as fabrics, and handicrafts to works on accessibility aid.


 The works of this accessibility assistance range from assemblies to adaptive canes, water sensors, electric wheelchairs, and 3-wheeled motorcycle with display cases to screen reader applications that can be used on devices, such as mobile phones and laptops.


 The 2022 HDI Expo was also even more lively with a musical performance from the Integrated Disnet Band "Pangudi Luhur" Center in Bekasi.  Apart from that, there was also a dance performance entitled "Nusantara Collaboration Dance" performed by persons with hearing sensory disabilities, visual sensory disabilities, and persons with intellectual disabilities.


 The dances consist of Grebek Sabrang Dance, Nuribayan Dance from West Java, Mari Kangen Dance, Pangkur Sago Dance from Papua, Sekar Wangi Dance, and the Ondel-Ondel Dance.


 These dances were performed by Children of SLB-B Tunas Bangsa Education Foundation, Deaf Art Production Studio, Bandung, West Java, SLBB Karya Mulya Nusantara Surabaya, traditional dance studio Yudha Asri Jakarta, Kampung Inclusion Banyuwangi and the Asih Budi Foundation Jakarta.


 "These skills of disabilities need to be honed. If sharpened, they can decorate and make this world beautiful. So, don't underestimate God's creation. I don't want any of my friends with disabilities to be taken for granted. Their abilities and potential  "It must be shown and explored," said Social Affairs Minister Risma.


 The HDI Expo 2022 was even more complete with the auction of 60 paintings of persons with disabilities which were carried out directly by Social Affairs Minister Risma.  "Today, I want to help friends with disabilities to auction their paintings. Because today, there are many auction participants. Hopefully, this will be more useful for their lives," she said.


 Throughout December 2022, Ministry of Social Affairs is implementing a series of HDI by distributing aid worth a total of IDR 33.2 billion.  This assistance consists of Indonesia Stepping Up and Free of Stocks in Subang, carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia.


Then, Indonesia is Free from Stocks, Indonesia Hears and Indonesia Sees which is centered in Bekasi, which is followed by free practices from all over Indonesia directly online.


 There was also the delivery of ATENSI assistance to persons with disabilities in Cilincing, North Jakarta.  Furthermore, HDI activities were held in conjunction with the commemoration of National Social Solidarity Day (HKSN), which was centered in Klungkung Regency, Bali, where all regencies/cities throughout Bali Province participated simultaneously.


Minister of Social Affairs also said that Ministry of Social Affairs had received approval from Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani to include data on persons with mental disabilities as BPJS-PBI recipients.  This is also an effort to meet the target recipients of BPJS-PBI in the RPJMN.


The 2022 HDI Expo activity was attended by 300 guests, namely partners from Ministries/Agencies, Special Staff to the President, Commissioners of the National Commission on Disabilities (KND), Organizations of Persons with Disabilities, LKS for Persons with Disabilities, champions such as Dr.  Handry Satriago (CEO General Electric Indonesia), Dr. dr.  Cecilia Renny Padang Ph.D. (FACR/Internal Medicine Specialist), as well as other Disability champions.


 Expo HDI 2022 also involves various parties as a form of synergy in implementing social welfare for persons with disabilities, one of which is BRI with its ATMs which are equipped with new features according to the needs of persons with visual sensory disabilities.


 Minister of Social Affairs Reviews the Work of Persons with Disabilities


 At the 2022 HDI Expo, Social Affairs Minister Risma toured various exhibition stands for persons with disabilities.  The Minister of Social Affairs also provided input to persons with disabilities so that their products could have high value and be marketed more widely.


 The Minister of Social Affairs reviews products for persons with disabilities, starting from taste, packaging, and innovation to other creativity that can increase product prices.


 "This is to support the work of persons with disabilities. So, they come from various regions in Indonesia and their products are no less good. For those whose marketing access is not yet widespread, I suggest marketing them online to maximize their results," said Minister Risma.


Ministry of Social Affairs' efforts also received full support from the President's Special Staff, Angkie Yudistia.  "This event is the central government's commitment to continue to pay attention to persons with disabilities. We can see that persons with disabilities are prepared to be able to compete in the labor market and are also prepared to become independent entrepreneurs," she said.


To the media crew, Social Minister Risma revealed that she believes that quality products for people with disabilities can access the middle to upper market, not only in Indonesia but also abroad.