MANADO (January 20, 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini visited several locations where landslides and floods occurred in Manado City.
The first location is in the Ternate Tanjung sub-district which experienced landslides and flooding simultaneously because the residential area of the population is located close to the riverbank and hilly.
"If the conditions are like this, it's better to just install the floodgates and pumps. You can apply (the installation) to the PUPR Office," said Risma.
The Minister of Social Affairs also provided assistance in the form of goods such as tents, mattresses, children's equipment, food, kitchen utensils and compensation for heirs.
The second point is in the District of Malalayang which claimed lives due to landslides. After receiving similar assistance, the Social Minister and her entourage continued their journey to Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency.
The total assistance provided was Rp1.8 billion, which consisted of regular logistical assistance for the Handling of Natural Disasters in North Sulawesi Province worth Rp1,632,606,660.
Assistance for the Handling of Natural Disasters in Manado City in the form of 500 basic food packages with a total value of Rp. 100,000,000 and logistical assistance packages of Rp. 31,878,700 with details of Instant Noodles (50 boxes), Shredded (50 kg), Canned Food (500 cans), Pregnant Mother's Milk (20 boxes), UHT Milk (10 boxes), Toiletries, Blankets (250 pcs ), children's clothes (216 pcs), sanitary napkins (20 pcs), baby diapers (206 pcs), and donations for the heirs of the landslide victims in Manado City for 6 people with a total value of Rp 90,000,000.
In addition to visiting these 3 locations, the Minister of Social Affairs also visited other locations that provided disasters such as Manado Town Square and Megamas Area.
"The embankment must not only be made strong, it must also apply beneficial local wisdom such as planting shrimp pine trees. I have proven this when I was the Mayor of Surabaya," explained Risma
Then the Minister of Social Affairs visited the Manado "Tumou Tou" Center as the representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs in North Sulawesi. She was about commenting on handicrafts that need to be introduced globally and with variety. Risma also suggested delaying the timing of farming activities to avoid landslides.
"Farming activities are stopped first to avoid landslides and other worst possibilities. Then it is necessary to make a wide path from the hill to the ditch to build water," explained Risma.
The activity closed with the Minister of Social Affairs attending the Coordination Meeting for the Poverty Handling Program at the North Sulawesi Province which was attended by all Social Services in the North Sulawesi region which discussed the Basic Food Program, Family Hope Program (PKH), and Cash Social Assistance (BST).
Humas Balai Tumou Tou Manado
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N