LAMPUNG (February 25, 2023) - Following up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs to realize data on the results of the Integrated Assessment which will be carried out in 2022, the Ministry of Social Affairs through Wyata Guna Center Bandung together with the Member of Commission VIII DPR RI, I Komang Koheri, Distribute ATENSI Aid in East Lampung Regency, Central Lampung Regency, Tulang Bawang Regency, and Way Kanan Regency.


In collaboration with stakeholders, Wyata Guna Center Bandung together with Members of Commission VIII DPR RI distributed ATENSI Aid directly to 75 PPKS consisting of Persons with Disabilities, Elderly, Children, and Vulnerable Groups in three Regencies (East Lampung, Central Lampung, and Tulang Bawang) in the form of disability aids for adult wheelchairs, CP wheelchairs, adaptive canes, hearing aids, three-in-one wheelchairs, and fulfillment of basic needs in the form of groceries.


Simultaneously, Wyata Guna Center carried out Access Facilitation and Case Response in Way Kanan District.


"This is one of our efforts to realize Integrated Assessment data in 2022. God willing, in 2023 this will be carried out again to filter new data for realization in 2024," said Iis Lisnawati, Head of Administration Sub Division of Wyata Guna Center Bandung (23/2/2023).


Member of Commission VIII DPR RI, I Komang Koheri, in his remarks explained how extreme poverty was one of the reasons he witnessed firsthand the distribution of ATENSI Program assistance in four Lampung Regencies.


"The mandate of the law says, in Article 34 stated that the poor, neglected children are cared for by the state, whose country is it? Here is the government. It is the Village Head who has the data for submitting social issues," said I Komang Koheri in a brief explanation of how important the synergy of the government's role is.


Mr. Kasun, a representative of Mbah Sani (83), an elderly recipient of ATENSI aid in the form of a three-in-one wheelchair, was touched to have received a wheelchair for his mother. “It's been around 80 years, I'm from Palembang, sir, my mother is in Margosasari. I'm just taking care of it," said Kasun full of emotion while conveying his gratitude.


The event was also attended by a Team of Members of Commission VIII DPR RI, Social Rehabilitation Companions, and local Village Officials.