JAKARTA (12 August 2021) - The Director-General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat attended the invitation of the Director-General of Population and Civil Registration related to the Collaboration Coordination Meeting of Disdukcapil (Civil Registry and Population Service), Health Service, and Social Service in Vaccination and Social Assistance Programs.


This coordination meeting followed up on the Circular Letter from the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Number HK.02.02/III/15242/2021 on the Implementation of Covid-19 Vaccination for Vulnerable Communities and other communities who do not yet have a NIK (Population Identification Number).


Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health, Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha said that vaccination of vulnerable groups and people without a NIK really needs attention, such as persons with disabilities, remote indigenous community, residents of Correctional Institutions, Persons with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) such as abandoned children, residents of social institutions, nursing homes, and other people who do not have a NIK.


"So that vulnerable groups and people who do not have a NIK get priority in providing vaccinations. This implementation is coordinated with the Dukcapil and Social Services and other related parties," said Kunta.


Special Staff to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Angkie Yudistia conveyed the direction of the President, Joko Widodo on the Acceleration of Covid-19 Vaccination and Distribution of Social Assistance, "Continuing the vaccination to quickly build herd immunity. The government is the key to distribution and acceleration of vaccination implementation because vulnerable people must be protected and accommodated," President's direction through Angkie.


In addition, the direction from the President of the Republic of Indonesia conveyed by Angkie: cooperation with various parties, involving the elements of the community, and the data on recipients of social assistance must be completely clear so that it was right on target. Local governments are also involved in improving data.


Angkie also said that vaccination is a momentum to improve population data, which is done by giving priority, facilities, and easy access for the elderly and people with disabilities to get Covid-19 vaccination services. Accelerate vaccination services for persons with disabilities through health services and Covid-19 vaccination centers. As well as collaborating with communities, local organizations, and private parties to mobilize Persons with Disabilities to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations.

In this coordination meeting, the Director-General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat said that this opportunity was used to ensure that vaccinations and NIK data collection were interconnected. "Of course not only for persons with disabilities but also for neglected children, children or their parents who are affected by Covid-19, the elderly, even migrant workers in Indonesia who have problems and people with other social welfare problems," said Harry.

Following up on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Regulation of the Minister of Health (PMK) Number 84 of 2020 on the Implementation of Vaccination in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic Management. The Ministry of Social Affairs supports in the effort to accelerate the Covid-19 vaccination for Persons with Disabilities, namely coordinating with the Provincial/District/City Social Services to collect data on persons with disabilities who need the Covid-19 Vaccine.

There are two mechanisms in targeting data collection, namely the Top-Down data mechanism sourced from the relevant Ministries/Institutions/Business Entities/Agencies. While the Bottom Up mechanism is data collection that is carried out collectively by agencies/business entities/institutions/organizations as well as by regional officials, puskesmas (public health center) or health service facilities implementing the Covid-19 vaccination and coordinated by the Health Office, then submitted to the Ministry of Health.

Harry Hikmat also conveyed that the total initial data target throughout Indonesia was 564,080 with an estimated target of People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ) in 2021 based on the prevalence of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) which was 490,047, while the target for Persons with Disabilities at the Social Rehabilitation Center was 74,033. And the total target data for Java-Bali is 338,352 with an estimated ODGJ of 295,061, while people with disabilities are 43,291.

Support from the Ministry of Social Affairs in the implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination for Persons with Disabilities, namely, the Provision of Central Data, LKS for Persons with Disabilities, UPTD as a target for the Covid-19 Vaccine for Persons with Disabilities; Assistance for Persons with Disabilities during the implementation of Covid-19; Pick-up of Persons with Disabilities to the place where the Covid-19 Vaccine will be implemented; Coordination of the location/place for the implementation of the Covid-19 Vaccine, including providing a place for the implementation of Vaccination at the Center.

For information, the Ministry of Social Affairs collaborates with the UI Alumni Association at the Healthy Synergy Vaccination Center to reach people who do not have access to vaccines. The institutions that have been facilitated for PPKS to get vaccines are Social Rehabilitation Center “Melati”, RPTC, LKS Sekar, LKS Balarenik, LKS Swara Peduli, 6 LKSAs in Bekasi Regency with a total of 243 PPKS.

Also present was the Special Staff to the Minister of Social Affairs, Don Rozano Sigit, explaining the assistance program that had been carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely the Family Hope Program (PKH) which was given to 10 million families with criteria for family management and components, an index of assistance per year for pregnant women and early childhood of Rp. 3 million; SD Rp 900 thousand; SMP 1.5 million; Elderly and Disabled Rp2.4 million in the period January - December (paid every 3 months) and the mechanism used is cash transfer.

Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) given to 18.8 million families with PKH and Non PKH criteria, the aid index is Rp. 200.000,- per month in the period January - December (14 months) with the mechanism used is cash transfers, postal, basic necessities at e-Warong.

Furthermore, the Cash Social Assistance (BST) provided to 10 million families with the criteria of Non PKH and Non BPNT and an index of assistance of Rp. 300.000,- per month in the period January - June (6 months) with the mechanism used by post.

In addition, there is also assistance that has been carried out, namely BPNT PPKM which was given to 5.9 million families with criteria other than the current recipients and an index of Rp. 200,000, - per month in the period July - December (6 months) with the mechanism used is cash and postal transfers.

The Director General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh said that the key words for people who do not have a NIK for social assistance and vaccination programs are data collection and coordination. The Health Office, Social Service or other agencies need to agree on the location of data collection in administrative services.

"Our step is to coordinate this so that the execution can be further. Let's continue to coordinate and continue to collect data, serve the community", said Zudan.

This coordination meeting was attended virtually by the Provincial/District Social Services, Provincial/District Dukcapil Offices, Provincial/District Health Offices, and Heads of Social Rehabilitation Centers, 41 UPTs within the Ministry of Social Affairs.