BANJARBARU (December 5th 2019) – Public Relation Bureau Team (PR Bureau) of The Ministry of Social Affairs RI visited the Banjarmasin Radar Headquarters. Led by the Minister's Expert Staff for Social Accessibility and Acting (Plt) Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Sonny W. Manalu and welcomed by the Managing Director of Radar Banjarmasin and the Chief Editor of Radar Banjarmasin, Toto Fachrudin. During this visit also attended the Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Budi Luhur" Banjarbaru Herry Pawoko, the Head of the Banjarmasin Social Welfare Training and Education Center (BBPPKS) R. Rasman, and the Secretary of the South Kalimantan Province Social Service Diyah Anur Yani.
This visit is not only in the context of friendship, but also wants to invite Radar Banjarmasin to work together to support the news regarding programs implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs. "There is a lot of good social information to report," said Sonny.
At the end of the meeting, a letter of cooperation was signed between the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs and Radar Banjarmasin. Several points of cooperation agreed upon, including the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, which will give Radar Banjarmasin the first opportunity to report on the national welfare development program, besides that Radar Banjarmasin provides full support for the implementation of the reporting of the Ministry of Social Affairs RI program, especially in the South Kalimantan region.