Ministry of Social Affairs Collaborates with Social Office to Handle Sukabumi Punk Community
SUKABUMI (May 1, 2021) - Still following up on
the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini in handling the
punk child phenomenon, this time the "Galih Pakuan" Bogor Resident Center reached
out to the punk community in the Sukabumi area.
In this outreach, "Galih
Pakuan" deployed a team of 3 people to identify, map, and make initial contact
with the punk community in the Sukabumi area.
After coordinating with
the Sukabumi Regency Social Office, the team began to identify the point where
the punk child community existed. "The majority of punk communities in
this area does not come from Sukabumi, but come from the Cianjur, Bogor, Tangerang
and Bandung areas," said Rahmat Mulyadi as Head of the Disability
Management Section representing the Head of Social Rehabilitation of the Social
Service of Sukabumi Regency.
Coming to the locations
of the punk community spreading points, the team was assisted by Kang Zilenk, a
former member of the punk community who is currently active as a social
activist. "The gathering points for the punk community in Sukabumi include
the Degung Old Terminal area, the Sukabumi Station Railroad, and behind the
Ramayana market. The numbers are uncertain because they often move places, it
can include 8 to 10 people," said Kang Zilenk to the team.
Apart from Kang Zilenk,
the outreach of the punk community was assisted by Sakti Peksos, Sukabumi Regency
Social Service, Faisal. From the results of this outreach, the team managed to
gather six punk kids. The team then held a meeting to share experiences and
hopes between them. This is as a form of identification of the problems of the
punk community.
One of the team members
who is also the social worker of "Galih Pakuan" Resident Center Erni Novianti
gave reinforcement of motivation to punk kids to start thinking about a better
future and not return to the streets. "I'm sure you have the potential, it's
just that it hasn't been explored. If there is a will, you can do it,"
said Erni.
From the results of the
meeting, two children, namely SAP and MFM, were known to have an interest in
participating in steam training at the Baraya Sheltered Workshop owned by the
"Galih Pakuan" Bogor Resident Center. After coordinating with the local Social Office,
SAP and MFM were escorted by the team to the Baraya Sheltered Workshop in
Cimahi City. Before leaving, the team tried to confirm the two data related to
the receipt of assistance at the DTKS, and after checking the data it turned
out that both of them were not confirmed at the DTKS.
During the one week at
the Sheltered Workshop, SAP and MFM undergo a screening process, initial
assessment, and steam training intervention. Screening results show that SAP and
MFM is the same as users of alcohol and benzodiazepines for the types of drugs
Tramadol and Heximer. Both SAP and MFM actually desire to live a better
life and have a job so they don't need to go to the streets anymore. Vocational
training and facilitation of business premises can be an alternative solution
for them.
his stay at the
Sheltered Workshop, MFM admitted that he remembered his wife, who is now
pregnant. "I remember my wife, I am here to gain experience, hopefully,
this will be a good start so that my wife and I can live a better life,"
said MFM to Khodijah as the assistant officer at the Sheltered Workshop.
Furthermore, Khodijah
reported to the team from Balai about the development of SAP and MFM
conditions. "On the first day, they still looked enthusiastic and able to
do physical activities as usual, but on the second day they started complaining
of colds and flu, this probably happened as the body's response when they cut
off the drug Tramadol which they often consume every day," said Khodijah.
SAP and MFM were given drugs to relieve fever and flu. Khodijah also considered
that SAP and MFM actually have a strong desire to learn steam vocational
training. "Hopefully in the future, there will be facilities for them to
study more seriously to develop their entrepreneurial desire," said
After completing the
steam vocational training for one week, SAP and MFM were accompanied by the
team to return to Sukabumi. The Head of the Social Rehabilitation Division of
the Sukabumi Regency Social Office, Cece Irawan, expressed his gratitude to the
Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Galih Pakuan" Resident Center for paying
attention to the handling of the phenomenon of the punk community in his area.
"Hopefully in the future, we can talk more seriously regarding the plan to
handle this punk community phenomenon," said Cece.
Cece's statement was
welcomed by the Head of the Resident Center "Galih Pakuan" Ujang Taofik Hidayat
who was also present in the process of returning SAP and MFM. "We also
really hope that there is synergic cooperation between the Ministry of Social
Affairs and the Social Service regarding the handling of this punk community
phenomenon," said Ujang.
It is hoped that in the
future the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Galih Pakuan" Bogor Resident
Center can collaborate with the Sukabumi Regency Social Office to handle the
phenomenon of the punk community, through the concept of behavior change
rehabilitation assistance and the concept of empowerment to improve social