BANDUNG (6 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through "Wyata Guna" Bandung Center is collaborating with the Syamsi Dhuha Foundation and the Institute for Industrial Research and Affiliation (LAPI) Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) to develop and produce Bricane sticks at the "Wyata Guna" Bandung.


At the previous meeting (3/5) between "Wyata Guna" and the Syamsi Dhuha Foundation, they discussed a plan to use an Android-based blind stick (BriCane stick). On this day a follow-up meeting was held at "Wyata Guna" which was attended by the Head of the "Wyata Guna" Center Sudarsono, Sub-Coordinator of the Advocacy and Social Assessment Section Tommy Heriyanto, SDF Manager Laila, and SDF Chair Dian Syarif.


This meeting discussed several things, including the SDF party welcoming the collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs to produce BriCane sticks and will provide various information regarding the completeness of workshop facilities and infrastructure for the production process.


SDF will also train Human Resources (HR) from various disabilities so that not only produced sticks but also various other assistive devices such as wheelchairs for physical disabilities. As for the area of ​​the room or workshop building, it will be adjusted to the size or amount of the production target. In the future, it is hoped that "Wyata Guna" can produce various assistive devices for all persons with disabilities.


All parties including the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Institute for Industrial Affiliation and Research (LAPI) ITB and SDF have the same vision, which is to help each other so that all parties have the same contribution in making this workshop a reality.


With this meeting, it is hoped that the procurement of visual sticks based on Android application technology can be realized soon so that people with visual sensory disabilities can immediately feel the benefits. This breakthrough is one of the implementations of the ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance) program at "Wyata Guna" Bandung.