PATI (February 17, 2021) - Just like in previous years, several areas of Pati Regency this year were hit by floods caused by high-intensity rainfall and the overflow of the Silugonggo river that passes through the Pati area, due to rising water levels. Consequently, the floods paralyzed the activities of residents.
The flood-hit areas include 6 sub-districts consisting of 43 villages, but the worst affected are 5 villages located in Gabus sub-district, namely Banjarsari, Mintobasuki, Tanjang, Kosekan and Babalan villages. The villages were inundated with a height of between 70 - 100 cm, because this year's flooding was felt to be the worst.
"Floods that hit this area can last for days and months before they recede, depending on the severity of the flooding," said Supodo, Head of Banjarsari Village Services. that exist in these families," he added.
Responding to this condition, the Ministry of Social Affairs through "Margo Laras" Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) in Pati provided attention assistance in the form of assistance in meeting daily needs consisting of food packages, personal protective equipment in the form of masks and antiseptic soap. The targets are 5 villages, namely Banjarsari, Mintobasuki, Tanjang, Kosekan and Babalan a total of 24 packages for 24 people with disabilities spread over the 5 villages.
The Margo Laras Outreach Team understands how difficult it is to get to the destination to distribute aid for people with disabilities, so they need to take a boat through the floods. Supodo and Supriyati, the wife of the Banjarsari village head, also accompanied the distribution of this ATENSI support. While wading through floodwaters and the process of providing assistance, information was obtained and it was seen that people with mental disabilities were reluctant to evacuate and chose to sleep on tables filled with flooded puddles.
According to the report, it is known that the people with mental disabilities are very grateful for Margo Laras' concern so their daily needs are fulfilled, as expressed by Budi, one of the people with mental disabilities who conveyed his gratitude and was happy to receive this assistance.
Humas Balai Disabilitas Margo Laras Pati
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N