20, 2022) - Commemorating International Day of Disabilities (HDI) and National
Social Solidarity Day (HKSN), the Ministry of Social Affairs through Pangudi
Luhur Integrated Center Bekasi distributed Social Rehabilitation Assistance
(ATENSI) aid in Kediri District and Kerambitan District, Tabanan Regency. The
assistance provided was in the form of accessibility support, fulfillment of
decent living, and groceries for 143 Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS)
with total assistance of IDR 104.117.250.
Located in Bale
Banjar Adat Eka Putra Adnyana Dajan Peken, Tabanan, Symbolically the Director
of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, Pangudi Luhur Bekasi
Integrated Center and the Head of the Tabanan Regency Social Office, I Nyoman
Gede Gunawan handed over the assistance to Representatives of Kediri District
and Kerambitan District