GOWA (April 3, 2021) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Harry Hikmat, made a working visit to the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center in Gowa. His visit this time was carried out to review the readiness of the Center in making the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA).

SKA is a center for entrepreneurship and vocational development as well as media for promoting the work of beneficiaries in one area.

Following SKA's goal, namely the creation of shopping and recreation areas in one area, the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center in Gowa is preparing an ATENSI Park that can be accessed not only by the elderly but also for children, persons with disabilities, drug victims as well as socially disabled and victims of trafficking people. The ATENSI Park is planned to be built on unused land in the Balai.

The ATENSI Park area will also provide a place to rest for visitors under the name Kedai Dg Toa. The tavern, which in the Makassar language means the tavern owned by the parents, is prepared next to the park. Later, visitors of the ATENSI Park are expected to be able to shop for products made by thebeneficiaries, enjoy the snacks provided while enjoying views of the orchards, medicinal gardens, and flower gardens around them.

The ATENSI Park is also in line with SKA's goal of increasing the entrepreneurial and vocational abilities of beneficiaries through empowering beneficiaries in making flower pots made of cocovit and compost that can be sold.

The process of making flower pots and compost is through the recycling process of clay and coconut coir, so it has benefits and high economic value.

In addition, the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center in Gowa as a pilot project Social Services Center (SERASI), has so far served a total of 37 complaints regarding beneficiary issues from 10 provinces within the scope of work. Complaints are received via Balai's hotline number, Balai's social media, viral news, social/natural disasters, and direct visits.

Complaints that come in through direct visits to the Center will be received by picket officers at the ATENSI Command Post.

Going forward, SERASI, in addition to serving public complaints about beneficiary social problems, will also continue to be developed to make it easier for the public to access various other social services available at the Ministry of Social Affairs, such as PKH, BPNT, Kube and others.

Following the direction of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini that the Center is a miniature of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the regions.

In supporting service delivery and as a miniature form of the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Social Affairs, the Center, which stands on an area of ​​2.9 hectares, is also equipped with a Physical Therapy Room, Make Up Therapy, Psychosocial Room, and Memory Music Therapy.

Apart from observing the Center's environment, Harry also visited elderly beneficiaries at the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center in Gowa, including Andi Toebo and Puji. Andi Toebo (80 years) is an elderly man from Palopo, South Sulawesi who has hearing loss. Meanwhile, Puji (99 years) is an elderly person from Pangkep, South Sulawesi who is also a person with a disability.

On this occasion, Harry said that service delivery must be integrated. "The elderly who have hearing loss can be given hearing aids which can be fulfilled through ATENSI assistance and the basis for giving hearing aids is complemented by the results of a doctor's examination," said Harry.

Harry said that apart from being provided with services at the Elderly Center, elderly people who are also disabled also need to receive integrated services from the nearest Disability Center, such as the "Wirajaya" Disability Center and the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Disability Center in Surakarta. Thus, their right to get assistive devices that are adaptive to their disability conditions is fulfilled.

Integrated services for beneficiaries are expected to be able to resolve social problems more quickly and precisely according to the needs of beneficiaries.