A total of 136 displaced residents consisting of homeless
people, beggars, scavengers, neglected children with severe disabilities,
neglected elderly people and others will receive a resident identity in the
form of ID Card (KTP) as well as a savings account and ATENSI ATM card. This
activity is a form of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services of the
Ministry of Social Affairs in the form of accessibility support provided to
marginalized / neglected residents.
Previously, most of these marginalized / displaced people
did not have ID cards so they had not received assistance from the Ministry of
Social Affairs such as from the ATENSI, PKH, BST Program or assistance from
other Ministries / Institutions such as KIS, KKS or KIP.
The condition of marginalized / neglected
residents, most of whom do not have permanent / unregistered residences, also
makes it difficult for them to obtain a residential identity. It was proven
that some of the displaced residents were met by Risma lived under a bridge,
some of them were sleeping on the side of the road.
Therefore, making KTPs for marginalized /
displaced people is done so that their data can be included in the Integrated
Social Welfare Data so that marginalized / displaced people are able to
access various social assistance programs from the Ministry of Social Affairs
and assistance from other Ministries / Institutions.
Since the beginning of her leadership, Risma has
made breakthroughs in handling marginalized / displaced people. Risma visited
several locations such as under the bridge behind the Ministry of Social
Affairs office, under the Gedong Panjang toll bridge and her daily routine of
going to work while paying attention to the social situation along the way.
From the visit and her exploration, several
residents were found to be marginalized / displaced. Risma invited those who do
not have a place to live to stay at the Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur" Training
Center, one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Directorate
General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
The Ministry of Social Affairs is collaborating with the
Ministry of Home Affairs to record population identities for marginalized /
displaced people, most of whom do not have KTPs.
"They want us to help but they don't have
any identity, some have lost their ID cards, some have not been recorded at
all. That's why we are working with the Directorate General of Population and
Civil Registry to record their identities," said Risma.
Apart from marginalized
/ neglected residents at the "Pangudi Luhur" Training Center, Bekasi,
marginalized / neglected residents of several Social Welfare Institutions (LKS)
are also participants in recording this demographic identity. The LKS are, LKS
Bhakti Nurul Iman, LKS Kumala, LKS Swara Peduli Indonesia, LKS Education
Religion Be Entertainment (ERBE) and LKS Setia Kawan Raharja (Sekar).
"Today we start recording
for 136 neglected residents. Thank you to the LKS friends. They are the
guarantor so that the the beneficiaries of KTP can be processed," said
Risma wants the Ministry
of Social Affairs to be able to provide access to various assistances for
displaced people so that they are able to get out of poverty. However, as a
condition of receiving assistance, marginalized / displaced people must have a
residency identity first.
In addition to accessing
population identity, Risma also collaborated with Bank Mandiri to open a
savings account for marginalized / neglected residents who already have a KTP.
This savings account called ATM ATENSI was officially launched by the former
Surabaya Mayor.
"We also open an
account. Later we will adjust the assistance, but we will analyze it first. So they can get
assistance from the ATENSI, PKH, BST, KIS, KKS or KIP program. The assistance is
given depending on the needs of these displaced people," explained Risma.
Not only marginalized /
neglected residents, on this occasion Risma also launched an ATENSI ATM Card
for Social Rehabilitation Assistants in 5 Social Rehabilitation Clusters,
namely Child Rehabilitation Assistants, Social Rehabilitation Assistants for
Persons with Disabilities, Elderly Social Care Assistants, Social
Rehabilitation Assistants for Drug Abuse Victims and Social Rehabilitation
Assistants for Persons with Social Deviance Issues and Trafficking Victims.
ATENSI ATM will be used to transfer honorarium for social rehabilitation
One of the scavengers
from the Bekasi "Pangudi Luhur" Training Center who is now working at
Grand Lagoon Bekasi also felt helped by this ATENSI ID card and ATM recording
program. "I am happy. I have been waiting for an ID card since 2011, Thank
God now I have an ID card and I have an ATENSI ATM too, so I can save for my
father-in-law's pilgrimage," said Roni.
Risma said that the
Ministry of Social Affairs did not only launch this in Greater Jakarta.
"In other areas we will also open ATENSI ATMs so that we can help
displaced residents. The approach must be comprehensive. We will carry out the
recording and launching process of ATENSI ATMs at the Social Rehabilitation
Centers throughout Indonesia," explained Risma.
Not only facilitating
population data recording, but the Ministry of Social Affairs is also working with
the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing to build Rental Flats for
displaced residents.
The Rental
Flat will be built in 2 locations, namely the "Pangudi Luhur" Bekasi Training
Center and the Ministry of Social Affairs' Shelter and Trauma Center (RPTC).
This flat will be built on an area of 3000 m2, consisting of 5
floors with an area of 24 m2 per room and can accommodate 100
heads of families.
Risma said
that the rental fee was Rp 10 thousand / month. This rental fee will be the
capital for the cooperative which is managed by the residents of the flat.
In this
activity, there were Echelon I officials in the Ministry of Social Affairs RI, the
Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Social Deviance Issues and
Trafficking Victims and staff, the Head of Sub Directorate of Marriage and
Divorce Registration Facilities at the Ministry of Home Affairs as well as the
person in charge of civil registration for the Jakarta area along with the
ranks and the Director of Institutional Relations of Bank Mandiri and team.