JAKARTA (November 26, 2022) -- The benefits of the food program rolled out by the Ministry of Social Affairs are starting to be felt by the single elderly, the food they receive every day also makes them happy because they feel they are getting more attention in their old age.


Ma Titing (85), a resident of Cibeureum District, Sukabumi City, one of the elderly recipients of the food program, looks happy when he receives food from Community Group (Pokmas) officers.


"Thank you for paying attention to me", said Ma Titing while receiving two food packages.


Waiting.. was a routine activity that was carried out by Ma Titing every day for the last few weeks. This 85-year-old grandmother routinely awaits the arrival of food delivery officers in Cibeureum District, Sukabumi City.


Every morning after taking a bath, Ma Titing waited on a wooden bench in front of the modest house. The house that once collapsed and injured his head is now back on its feet through a government assistance program.


Not long after sitting on the bench, the food delivery officer from the Cibeureum District Pokmas, Mrs. Nur, came carrying two food packages.


While receiving the food package, Titing smiled while saying thank you and praying that it would be a reward for all.


"Hopefully what I am eating will be a blessing", she said.